Spurious Claim to Fame

Number 7 next door Angela was a nurse.
Sorry pal, but number 7 is right next door to Dad's house, and it has been occupied by a couple called Craig and Elaine for about 30 years. Craig has just retired from GM fire service and is doing a bit of trade plate delivery driving now.
You must have your house numbers mixed up, or possibly you have mixed up Warwick Close with Warwick Road. Dad used to get post addressed to 9 Warwick Road and vice versa all the time.
Here's an obscure one. At one time my mother worked with Arthur Mann's wife.

One night, long ago, my then-girlfriend and I, and my mate and his then-girlfriend were in a pub in Manchester. We noticed George Best at the end of the bar, supping whisky on his tod. He looked really sad. Like he was going to end up in the Irwell at closing time. None of us talked to him, but d'you know what? I felt sorry for the guy. Which, when you think of it, was pretty daft given he was a millionaire and got to shag Miss World. It's hard to describe - but it was almost as if he had a cartoon cloud hanging over him. I've rarely seen a bloke looking so fucking unhappy.
Here's an obscure one. At one time my mother worked with Arthur Mann's wife.

One night, long ago, my then-girlfriend and I, and my mate and his then-girlfriend were in a pub in Manchester. We noticed George Best at the end of the bar, supping whisky on his tod. He looked really sad. Like he was going to end up in the Irwell at closing time. None of us talked to him, but d'you know what? I felt sorry for the guy. Which, when you think of it, was pretty daft given he was a millionaire and got to shag Miss World. It's hard to describe - but it was almost as if he had a cartoon cloud hanging over him. I've rarely seen a bloke looking so fucking unhappy.
Playing for those red twats does that for you !!!
Paul Melba ran over my foot in a roller leaving the Golden Garter after his "star" turn
I'm pictured in a book by Desmond Morris, The Soccer Tribe.
I appeared in an episode of World in Action.
My mum used to date Steve Marriott, way back in the early 60s.

Robert Plant’s parents used to live next door to my grandparents and my grandma used to mend his stage trousers for him as she was great at sewing.

I was an extra in Spike Island.
I've got that book.Which page?
No idea, it was at Wembley 1980, West Ham v Arsenal, I'm wearing a lion suit on Wembley way, the author described me as a "phallic symbol", think it means dickhead in posh speak.

Funnily enough I was also "guesting" on the WIA episode, no other blues were there.
So have I.
One of my favourite books.
It explains a lot of why people enjoy football so much, and goes into great detail about how the game was started by public school boys and then it's roots as a working class pastime in the Midlands and North of England and also Scotland.
I just loved all the brilliant photos, not sure I ever read it.

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