Spurs 2018/19

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You keep referring to Thatcher,he was a thug . stop and not relevent to players now
Luiz always provokes sergio,not excusing what he did but it was very much out of character,aside from the one at wembley he hasn't done anything like you are describing,you are exaggerating somewhat for effect,luiz fouls him all the game and he reacts,i don't recall sergio elbowing anyone in the throat so as he can't breathe,not convinced on that one,you can't really call sergio a dirty player
You site examples from ages ago and out of the norm for our players,in the last few games we have played your team we have had 3 leg breakers and kane would have done one on delph but hurt himself instead,ali is a dirty shit,who was it that he punched full on a couple of seasons ago? he really is a little shitbag

And breathe.....

I only referred to Thatcher because the Fernandinho elbow on Albrighton was, to me, somewhat reminiscent of Thatcher's on Mendes.

"Luiz provokes Sergio"? Well......hello! You think that opposition players don't provoke Kane and Alli? Wake up! They're ALL at it. It's give and take. I've admitted that Spurs players can be cvnts. Why are you so wholly incapable of admitting that the same is true of your players?

When talking about Aguero, do you realise that you sound just like those pundits who always used to laugh off bad challenges by Scholes and say inane things like "he's not that kind of player"? Google is your friend. Go watch both two footed horror tackles on Luiz. Go watch the elbow come forearm smash on Reid. Sure.....he's not really "that kind of player". On that basis, neither is Kane.

And yes, Alli is a shitbag. So is Fernandinho. And you love your shitbag as much as we love ours.
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He has form for being sent off for debatable red cards.

Against Wigan last season, Taylor even had the yellow in his hand, before mysteriously changing his mind.

The tackle against Wigan was a reckless, jumping tackle directly at the opposition player. Precisely the kind that can cause serious injury. Red card all day long and twice on Sundays.

The sending off against Leicester was equally bad. A wholly unnecessary, knee high follow through on the opponent's standing leg. Again, could have caused a serious injury.
The tackle against Wigan was a reckless, jumping tackle directly at the opposition player. Precisely the kind that can cause serious injury. Red card all day long and twice on Sundays.

The sending off against Leicester was equally bad. A wholly unnecessary, knee high follow through on the opponent's standing leg. Again, could have caused a serious injury.

Think you missed the point.

Or chose to ignore the elephant in the room.

Our players usually get punished with a booking or a red card.

Kane, Alli, Lamela et al usually DON'T.
Think you missed the point.

Or chose to ignore the elephant in the room.

Our players usually get punished with a booking or a red card.

Kane, Alli, Lamela et al usually DON'T.

Too right!!

It must be great to play with vicious abandonment for media darling clubs, knowing that a red is a yellow and a yellow is a quick talking to.

They can all get to fuck!!
And breathe.....

I only referred to Thatcher because the Fernandinho elbow on Albrighton was, to me, somewhat reminiscent of Thatcher's on Mendes.

"Luiz provokes Sergio"? Well......hello! You don't think that opposition players don't provoke Kane and Alli? Wake up! They're ALL at it. It's give and take. I've admitted that Spurs players can be cvnts. Why are you so wholly incapable of admitting that the same is true of your players?

When talking about Aguero, do you realise that you sound just like those pundits who always used to laugh off bad challenges by Scholes and say inane things like "he's not that kind of player"? Google is your friend. Go watch both two footed horror tackles on Luiz. Go watch the elbow come forearm smash on Reid. Sure.....he's not really "that kind of player". On that basis, neither is Kane.

And yes, Alli is a shitbag. So is Fernandinho. And you love your shitbag as much as we love ours.
Don’t think many City fans would refer to Fernandinho as a shitbag... I agree with you about Alli though (or whatever he is calling himself this week)
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Think you missed the point.

Or chose to ignore the elephant in the room.

Our players usually get punished with a booking or a red card.

Kane, Alli, Lamela et al usually DON'T.

Kane and Lamela granted. Alli not quite so much.

I totally understand City fans' frustration with Kane and Alli not being punished last season, by the way. I'd have been furious too.

But to your first point, I really don't think that I did ignore the elephant in the room. This (stupidly!) long discussion has been all about whether or not City players make the same kind of bad tackles as those Kane and Alli tackles you rightly complained about last season. Whether or not they are sent off for them is a mere afterthought side issue. Vienna's reply to my post about Delph also having form tried to make out that Delph's fouls weren't so bad really and were probably only worthy of yellow cards. It's symptomatic of what I've been arguing against all along. Double standards. Raging against Spurs players but making excuses for their own for similar offences.

Why can't they just be honest? That is the elephant in the room.
Think you missed the point.

Or chose to ignore the elephant in the room.

Our players usually get punished with a booking or a red card.

Kane, Alli, Lamela et al usually DON'T.

Not just Spurs, in the middle of last season there were 11 horrendous challenges on our players over a few weeks (including the Alli and Kane ones), none of which resulted in a red card, not even the disgusting assault on Sané at Cardiff. Some were not even yellow, a few were not even given as fouls.
It was a clear attempt to stop us from running away with the league, encouraged by certain sections of the media and tolerated by the refs.
That’s why we are highlighting the difference in the way our players are treated.
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