Spurs (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

I don’t disagree with that.

I’ve said in the Pep thread, I think our current side would lose to our 2012, 2014, and 2018 and 2019 teams. I think that 2017-18 team would beat our current side about 4-0.

We aren’t as good as we were and 2nd would be a good season for this team.
Bite your hand off for top 4
I can’t even see what we’re trying to do to be honest. Sideways, backwards, sideways, invite the pressure, under hit a pass.

Is Pep trying to make a point to the board? If so what is it? Does he want them to sack him? Something doesn’t sit right for me and it’s not results, it’s performances that I’m bothered about. If we come off the pitch losing 1 nil but we’ve had a go that’s all I can ask, but coming off the pitch again today after a gutless, not even half arsed display like that is what pisses me off.

I actually thought we started reasonably well without creating too much and then very momentarily when kev came on. Other than that it was completely shite with the exception of Jack who put in another committed performance.

Players don’t seem happy. They seem to be playing in shackles and it shows. We couldn’t string 2 passes together today and why Rico played left back when Ake has done well there AND when we have 2 centre backs on the bench is baffling. Rodders was badly exposed today in that midfield, he was isolated when we didn’t have the ball and when we did he had one of his poorer games for us.

Haaland is a total passenger unless we serve him. We didn’t.

Last season we seemed to put 4000 balls across the opposition 6 yard line. We’ve stopped doing it. Kev has played some wonderful forward passes to Haaland this season. We’ve stopped doing it. We can break very quickly and decisively and we have bags of pace in the team. We’ve stopped doing it.

I’m convinced the extent of our training sessions is rondo and absolutely nothing else. We don’t defend, we don’t attack. We wait for interceptions or mistakes and then try to score the perfect goal. It’s magic when it works, and it has served us very well, but it isn’t working now and we look incapable of changing it.

We need bollocks now. Big ones. This team/squad and manager have to step up and show some fight.

Then we need a fucking massive clear out in summer. If they don’t want to be here they can fuck off. No exceptions.

Look at Liverpool look at Chelsea!

This season is transitional season seems we ain’t allowed to have one seems we expect to win the league forever more! The majority of these players have delivered since pep been here! Top four a go at winning the champs League and the fa cup then come summer players will leave players will come in and pep will get us going again…
Football is cyclic. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have won. It eventually comes to an end. For me it’s starting to look like we are coming to the end of our cycle. It has been the best cycle in the history of our football club and it has changed the way football is played in this country for the better. But all good things eventually come to an end and it’s hard not to get the feeling that this is the beginning of the end of this cycle. However, the end of one cycle is the beginning of another. We are an exceptionally well run club with vast resources so it isn’t necessarily the end of the world. Just the start of a new one.
Well you’re right, cycles end. We have actually been transitioning for the past 3 years considering the amount of winners we have lost. More than any club, except Pep kept us in the mix and winning despite that. It was always going to take some time adapting to Erling after no striker, our midfield fulcrums are getting on and key players want to leave. I still believe we will win the league because Pep has proven himself as a problem solver and Arsenal will begin to get frustrated as their reputation as a great team generates extremely defensive setups. I also feel that the emotion that’s pushing them on will undo them as the title gets closer. Let’s see what happens
Grealish was our best player to be fair.

He might have been but I wouldnt mind marking him as you know he will always cut inside, same as Mahrez. And just run into a crowd middle. Now if our wingers would go passed on the outside with speed I would want to mark them. Our wingers are so easy to play against.

Sterling was always a better player when on the right.
Fucking hate saying it as well mate but there is no leader on the field either? Unless there is a reason Dias still isn’t fit then it’s nuts he’s not in there at the minute! Not just for his playing quality but leadership of the team and how he can galvanize his teammates?! Everyone looks completely fed up, lacking of energy and worse any fight to change the situation? Grealish and Ake have shown it in fairness but the rest seem so disconnected it’s unreal!

it's chalk and cheese at the moment,

world-class player don't sit on the bench and be happy, ask Cancelo ? pep was asked in the pre-match interview about the players being match fit and ready, he said only Stones is out,

you don't spike your face to ruining your nose unless your Ego is bigger than yourself
if Pep ego is hurting, Manchester city then something has be sort out quickly
A lot of drunken entitled posts tonight
Basically one fuck up as ever cost us

Avoiding that "one fuck up" would have won us one point.
The rest of the shambles cost us the other two.

Rodri's "moment" was a mere bagatelle compared to the other 94 minutes and 59 seconds of shite.
I can’t even see what we’re trying to do to be honest. Sideways, backwards, sideways, invite the pressure, under hit a pass.

Is Pep trying to make a point to the board? If so what is it? Does he want them to sack him? Something doesn’t sit right for me and it’s not results, it’s performances that I’m bothered about. If we come off the pitch losing 1 nil but we’ve had a go that’s all I can ask, but coming off the pitch again today after a gutless, not even half arsed display like that is what pisses me off.

I actually thought we started reasonably well without creating too much and then very momentarily when kev came on. Other than that it was completely shite with the exception of Jack who put in another committed performance.

Players don’t seem happy. They seem to be playing in shackles and it shows. We couldn’t string 2 passes together today and why Rico played left back when Ake has done well there AND when we have 2 centre backs on the bench is baffling. Rodders was badly exposed today in that midfield, he was isolated when we didn’t have the ball and when we did he had one of his poorer games for us.

Haaland is a total passenger unless we serve him. We didn’t.

Last season we seemed to put 4000 balls across the opposition 6 yard line. We’ve stopped doing it. Kev has played some wonderful forward passes to Haaland this season. We’ve stopped doing it. We can break very quickly and decisively and we have bags of pace in the team. We’ve stopped doing it.

I’m convinced the extent of our training sessions is rondo and absolutely nothing else. We don’t defend, we don’t attack. We wait for interceptions or mistakes and then try to score the perfect goal. It’s magic when it works, and it has served us very well, but it isn’t working now and we look incapable of changing it.

We need bollocks now. Big ones. This team/squad and manager have to step up and show some fight.

Then we need a fucking massive clear out in summer. If they don’t want to be here they can fuck off. No exceptions.
Agreed its not winning its effort tgat we really soend iur hard earned £'s on

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