Spurs (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

I know they are all close but khaldoon, Soriano and txiki need to get pep told to get his act together and get back to the formation and personal that got us to where we were the last couple of years! It’s a battle for top 4 at the minute and if we miss out on that it will be completely unacceptable
Spurs dodgiest of dodgy keepers could have played with a pipe and slippers on , such was our attacking threat

pep just said it's not easy when you face 10 men behind the ball ? THEN get your players to shoot at goal ? anything can happen if you shoot and you can even score
I have zero interest in what he as done at Chelsea ( I can’t be assed getting into he has been injured ) am just saying he scored on average 15 goals a season and was quick so we could actually stretch a game .
You don't have to be concerned about Chelsea but I would see a doctor sharpish you seem to have forgotten the last 2 seasons he was here:-)
I won’t forget but I won’t ignore what’s happening now. This team is coming to an end. We need to move 3/4 on and hope the recruitment is spot on. Fans get angry or upset it’s what we do. Some of those players regardless of how they have played in the past are clearly not performing. Pep is not helping with the ponderous slow ball we now deliver.

We all need to take a breather and chill. We can’t win the league every season and we will have dips. I’m trying to stay positive but watching us at the min is a bag of emotions and some of those spill out.

Unless the boss rips up his playbook and tries something different we are not good enough to win the league. Maybe a trophy but you need consistency to win the title and we don’t have it. Also create next to nothing and it adds up to a crap season.
I agree with this. We don't have the intensity this season and I think Arsenal will probably win the title because they are more hungry. Shit happens. We are in transition and need to change some of of our players and our style of play. We are coming to the end of the Pep era (the most glorious one we will ever see).
But "on our day" we can still beat anyone and we still have a great chance in the CL and the FA Cup. We need to stick behind the team. There was no lack of effort today. Lots of teams have sussed out our pressing style and today was just another example of that. Football goes in cycles and that's just the way it is.
Shocking performance only Grealish and Ake played anything like. Poor Poor POOR

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