Spurs (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

A real failure of due diligence in the summer when assessing Phillips’ fitness and mentality/professionalism
No wonder Rodri is playing on fumes

For two summer windows we've gone big on one player and then largely forgotten about the rest of the positions.
Laughable really when haaland has scored shit loads and we ain't doing very well this season. It's about the team playing well.

Sterling was poor towards the end. He wanted to leave and wouldn't sign a contract. He is of no importance to me or this team.

Ok am with you regards Haaland but why aren’t we , we need a proper winger who can also get in the box to score goals I totally appreciate Sterling is not coming back but we need someone like him and I don’t know anyone who matches his figures
Bloody awful again, i havent got a clue whhats going on but Pep or the players do not have the answers anymore.
Something needs to change and quickly, otherwise this season is a complete write off

someth is not right! Concentrate on the chump’s league? No chance playing like this!

We have run out of ideas. Compare how Arsenal played there and it's clear they are a better side. A rallying call alone isn't enough to overturn the gap.

What exactly was wrong with the Sane/Sterling - 2 speedy wingers type model ? A million times better than this shit. And no, I am not advocating we sign those two players back.

The recruitment is the reason for our decline imo. It’s been shit and lazy for about 3 years now and we haven’t replaced aguero, silva, fern, or addressed the lb position with able replacements imo.

It's Pep, and has been for a while.

Sending out teams with no consistent plan, shorn of putting players in their natural positions.

We have one of the greatest strikers in the world and consistently fail to play close enough to him for him to receive the ball in front of goal.

That's on Pep. Kev is slowing down at a rate of knots but there is nobody else who is able to create.

We are struggling for identity and leaders.

Can't fault Grealish and Ake application today.

It's absolutely criminal we have failed to address the lack of creativity and pace in the team.

Something definitely wrong here. A severe lack of bollocks that in past seasons has seen us through hard times. Some of the blame lands heavily on Pep here - he’s chopping and changing the team now more than he ever has. The players he drops seem to sulk or not care rather than fire themselves up

Pep figure out this shit by your self. This is not working.

I have written a detailed analysis of the problems we face tactically and where all the issues stem from. take a look.

Good luck
I can sense a huge transfer spend in the summer. Clear out of at least 4 players. I’d predict a 250m net spend.
If we keep looking into the bargain bins for players, then the team will regress further next season. It feels to me City are scared of the repercussions if we spend big. Chelsea don’t care and neither should City.
We certainly need 2 ultra quick and direct wingers. Grealish could move more central like he played for Villa. Foden more central too. Mahrez is a great player, but I would offload him in the summer and cash in on him whilst we can.
Mahrez, Bernado, Ederson, Phillips,Gundoghan and Gomez to be unloaded.
Incoming 2 wingers, at least 1 creative midfielder 2 left wing backs and a World Class GK. Throw everything we have financially over a 5 year contract so we can amortise 50m a season.
Pep is the big conundrum. I’d be one for keeping him but I’d understand any of you who thinks he has served his time and run out of ideas.

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