Spurs (H) | PL | Post Match Thread

Likes his money so no issue ;)

And they were both slagging off Barca the other day , so maybe the issue is with her.
Imo it has always been with her. Gundo was perfectly happy here in Manc until she rocked up 2.5 years ago. He had enough winter coats, and being German was used to bad weather....

We miss him and Mahrez immensely, madness to let both go.

The ref yesterday was very suspect, I said at start of season Dippers for the PL, and with them winning again yesterday, it was like us in 2017/2018 injury time goals scored win titles. Whereas the team here now are in the habit of conceding injury time equalisers.....and PL titles that does not make.

Imo it has always been with her. Gundo was perfectly happy here in Manc until she rocked up 2.5 years ago. He had enough winter coats, and being German was used to bad weather....

We miss him and Mahrez immensely, madness to let both go.

The ref yesterday was very suspect, I said at start of season Dippers for the PL, and with them winning again yesterday, it was like us in 2017/2018 injury time goals scored win titles. Whereas the team here now are in the habit of conceding injury time equalisers.....and PL titles that does not make.

Unless we stop conceding soft goals we won't be winning any titles this season.
Whilst I agree our biggest issue currently is defending as a team, it concerns me that Doku and Haaland may as well be playing in parallel universes when they're on the pitch together. Yes Doku is a great player, but as soon as Jack came on he was looking for Haaland and vice versa. I'm not sure I can remember one instance where Doku has looked to play Haaland in
We only will win the title if we stop the rot. Defensively the attackers and midfield have lot of questions to answer. They cannot keep losing the ball and bypassed easily at this rate.

We cannot outscore conceding 2-3-4 goals per game.

First half vs Leipzig, 2nd half vs Spurs, 2nd half vs Chelsea all brought horrible displays and conceding goals for fun.

up until the Arse game Pep trusted Kovacic there he lost belief in him imo. but a midfield of Rodri/Bernardo/Alvarez unable to control games as much as we need.

problem is if he takes out Alvarez for Nunes or Kovacic for more control in midfield he takes away goals and some assists and adds none. while Bernardo will never ever put up numbers of KDB and Kovacic/Nunes total number of clutch match winners compared to Gundogan is also laughable comparison.

I much prefer Bernardo from right but again thats only possible if we serious amount of goals coming from elsewhere as he wouldnt be a high scoring winger.

individual form of defenders also need to improve. Walker can play shit and still starts no matter what. he started 14 out of 14 in PL. Ake waiting for the ball and not jumping for headers. Dias has serious mistakes in him almost every game. Gvardiol seems a long way from showing the level Ake had all last season. Akanji's hand is full with trying a very difficult role. thats if if every department all settled around him but it isnt.
Ederson well, would be nice to save a few shots that is on target. or at least not concede 90% of those.

absolute sick the way we conceded their first goal from our corner and not being aggressive enough at winning the ball and then again having the ball and giving away cheaply by Alvarez rather tan holding onto it.
Mickey Mouse ref decision at the end, City did not play well, game should have been over at half time, we go again against Villa, with no Rodri will not be straight forward.
I've rewatched the Spurs equaliser and I'm staggered that it wasn't reviewed by VAR and disallowed for the foul on Ake, the Spurs player clearly leads with his forearm into the back of Ake's neck and then uses the arm for leverage to push Ake down and get the clear header.

Its been lost a bit in what happened after but that's a poor decision.

If that had gone the other way I'm 90% certain it would have been chalked off.

The penalty shout late on was also pretty clear, the Spurs defender had a handful of shirt and we've see them given, how many of them has Mo Salah 'won' over the years.

Piss poor
In The Cold Light of Day

Thought about creating a new thread for this, but it didn't seem to warrant it.
Seething about yesterday — who isn't? — but here's the truth, as I see it, reflecting with a modicum of calmness.
In recent years we've been champions five times out of six. Unless I'm seriously mistaken, only in the 17-18 season did we really play at our top level from first to last. In the other seasons, we played fairly well, keeping in touch, but with some decidedly rocky results. Brentford last year is a good case in point. In short, a “curate's egg” of a first half to the season, then the engine revving up and really getting going round about Christmas. Whatever people may think, this was not simply down to the presence of Ilkay Gundogan (and I loved the guy) or any single player.

It seems to be happening again. Yesterday — was it a disaster? No. Was it poor? Yes. Was it unacceptable from this City team? Definitely.
Now there are no grounds for complacency. If we don't put this conceding goals at the last fucking knockings right, and put it right fast, we're not winning any titles or cups this season. Likewise if we keep missing clear chances or absolute sitters.
I'm just pointing out that we seem to follow a pattern. I'm offering it for your consideration.

Let's hope that is the case. Time to move into third and then up to fourth gear, City. Get your finger out, lads!

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