Spurs (H) | PL | Post Match Thread

Had enough chances to be 3 or 4 at half time.

We hit the woodwork 3 or 4 times with the ball going out to safety.
Spuds hit the woodwork twice with the ball going in. Why is it always the fucking spuds ?

We look slow, playing at 80%. Are our minds on the Club World Cup ?

The ref lost complete control, booked Rodri for his first foul but let them foul at will unpunished.

How can a ref play advantage, see that the team has the advantage than change his mind ? What was said in his ear piece ? Some say the ref made a mistake, he didnt he was following his orders. It stinks.

Cant remember the last time I left the Etihad so fucking angry.

Guess City will charge for not controlling their players. Ref will be charged with failing to control the game

Anyway home by 1:30am and said hello to SWP at Burger King at Knutsford :) if it wasnt Shaun we just made ourselves look stupid lol
In The Cold Light of Day

Thought about creating a new thread for this, but it didn't seem to warrant it.
Seething about yesterday — who isn't? — but here's the truth, as I see it, reflecting with a modicum of calmness.
In recent years we've been champions five times out of six. Unless I'm seriously mistaken, only in the 17-18 season did we really play at our top level from first to last. In the other seasons, we played fairly well, keeping in touch, but with some decidedly rocky results. Brentford last year is a good case in point. In short, a “curate's egg” of a first half to the season, then the engine revving up and really getting going round about Christmas. Whatever people may think, this was not simply down to the presence of Ilkay Gundogan (and I loved the guy) or any single player.

It seems to be happening again. Yesterday — was it a disaster? No. Was it poor? Yes. Was it unacceptable from this City team? Definitely.
Now there are no grounds for complacency. If we don't put this conceding goals at the last fucking knockings right, and put it right fast, we're not winning any titles or cups this season. Likewise if we keep missing clear chances or absolute sitters.
I'm just pointing out that we seem to follow a pattern. I'm offering it for your consideration.

Let's hope that is the case. Time to move into third and then up to fourth gear, City. Get your finger out, lads!

We've started the best under Pep this season, but just tailed off the last few weeks.

I agree with your post 100%
We desperately need another midfielder in there with Rodri. World's best DM and he's being hung out to dry!

Spurs were there for the taking yesterday. Their passing out from the back was abysmal and we failed to take advantage.

You knew what was coming after the Haaland 6 yard sitter went wide. That goes in and we win that game.

All 3 of their goals was down to poor play from us.

Need to get a grip defensively.
In fairness, after we play Villa we have 5 games that we should win, including Luton and Sheffield United. Swings and roundabouts. We'll win this.

Noticed that, too.
But I think we've put ourselves in a position where we now need the three points at Villa Park, honestly. We may well do that. Never underestimate this City's team's capacity for a reaction. Also, never underestimate this manager's capacity for creative anger.
Source? I haven’t seen anything but then I missed the pre match and post match

I'm afraid it's slipped my mind. But it wasn't on here, that's for sure. It was some sort of “official” place, maybe the OS, maybe in the press. It jarred me.

Could well be wrong. Kev seems to be chirpy, and here's something to think about — the poor bugger has literally not had a proper rest for years. If he's fit, he's undroppable for us, virtually since he's arrived. And he is ground to a fine powder playing for Belgium nearly every summer, in serious and damnfool international tournaments.
He should come back raring to go.
We all know how this ends for the other clubs after Xmas. Few points dropped leading up and then hardly any post xmas
I can't see our team this season going on a run though...particularly if the run means playing another top side...we are a club in transition, can't win them all but I think Pep still has the desire to go out on a bang before the inevitable witches trial we will face in 2025 - possibly playing in the conference 2026/27
Noticed that, too.
But I think we've put ourselves in a position where we now need the three points at Villa Park, honestly. We may well do that. Never underestimate this City's team's capacity for a reaction. Also, never underestimate this manager's capacity for creative anger.
Problem is...Villa are generally great at home, top manager they have. We have an empty midfield - realistically we will be fortunate to get a point there this week.
We had best midfield in world and now we don’t. Rodri is on his own. Need Stones back ASAP.
Definitely weakest midfield under Pep...even with KDB back (if he can do it again, deep hamstring injury and with his 'weighty build' may never be right again who knows?) Problem is, we usually buy players who will come on strong after 1 - 2 years - obvious failure re Philips and i can't see Kov or Nunes coming into the fore in a couple of years - should have gone all out to entice Dan Ashworth from Brighton..

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