Spurs Vs City pre match thread.

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Tomorrow is an absolutely crucial fixture for us, will help us massively win the psychological battle over the red rats to secure 3rd. Think 2nd might be a little bit out of our reach now considering our shaky form this calendar year. Going for a 2-1 win tomorrow. Cmon you blues!!! CTID
I hate Spurs .
So i want a win tomorrow .
If I'm honest i think we will lose .
Not confident at all with City's away days .
Worst day of the year: visiting the Lane with my Spurs supporting partner. One of us will be sad, the other trying to avoid enjoying it too much! Please let me be the latter...
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Ray78 said:
The incentive is there and it is up to us to take full advantage.

Agreed we have a real opportunity tomorrow to at last put some daylight between us and the rags plus also having a superior goal difference going into the final 3 matches of the season with two of those games being at home.

Come on City lets get the three points we need!!!
A win at the lane will confirm our champions league place. And leave the rags bricking it about Liverpool's results. Come on City.
What more motivation do our boys need than to almost secure a top3 place with a win today as the Rags started to believe their own hype and have imploded?

The thing worrying me is we've won just one away game in 2015! And we've been playing extremely poorly home and away for a while.

As I posted last week: I don't care who plays or in what formation, they've [almost] all pissed me off this season (players and manager) so I just want effort from all and three points. I won't be handing out praise for the manager if he miraculously gets it right nor players if they finally have a good game if they've been shite all season...just effort and three points.
jimharri said:
So; in which 15 minute segment will we let in the customary (these days) soft goal? I'll go for somewhere between minutes 31 & 45.

Goal? Singular?
jimharri said:
Chippy_boy said:
jimharri said:
So; in which 15 minute segment will we let in the customary (these days) soft goal? I'll go for somewhere between minutes 31 & 45.

Goal? Singular?
Fair point, that. Maybe I should have included a "first" in my earlier post.

If we're going first, I'll say right after half time. 45-60.
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