Stadium Expansion (Confirmed)

Exeter Blue I am here said:
Still not sure how this will work. Money's pretty tight and City's fan base is very working class in composition, so surely existing season ticket holders are gonna want to get their hands on these new £299 tickets, moving from their current seats to do so. Won't that just create more empties in the relatively expensive lower tiers, that we can't then fill. I mean the very probable reason people are not turning up for televised games now (for which they've already got season tickets) is in order to save a bob or two (pie, pint, programme, public transport, petrol, etc). Surely, price cuts right across the board is the only way we're going to persuade old fans to come back?
They could have used the extra seats to drive down prices for everyone whilst filling the stadium and upping the revenue. It looks like they've decided to travel down another path.
fbloke said:
I know i've said this on many a thread and so I wont flog this thought to death but getting families involved for full days is what we will see when the wider site is developed.

So well priced season cards and match day tickets will draw in families who will b enticed to stay for more than the footy and therefore spend more too.

I know there are many who think the club should be a football club and nought more but that time has now passed and so prepare for far more cross selling with MCFC as on element.

Yes depending on whats built I can easily see a weekend family pass being sold that includes Hotel, Restaurant, Visitor attraction of some sort, Stadium tour and a premier league football game.
Why Always Ste said:
Following on from Fblokes post, I can just picture the new seating areas being full of JCL's mixed with outpriced people from level two/one blocks and ofcourse the opportunistic types who will see the £299 sc as an "investment" and only ever use their seat when we play the Rags.

Atmosphere improvement? yea right...

I was feeling hyped about this but now not so.
The stadium will just feel plastic and Raggish.

Welcome to Old Scaffold 2.0

You like the Smith's don't you Steve
Jumanji said:
Rorz88 said:
Anyone else noticed that from the artists impression, there will be 4 screens inside the ground now instead of 2 ? anyone know if this is true. Also I cant find anywhere where they propose phase 1 and phase 2 will be complete?
It will be built in one go, not phases, by 2015.

Ahaaa, many thanks! although it does say phase 1 and phase 2 on the OS so that's why I asked
toffee balls said:
Why Always Ste said:
Following on from Fblokes post, I can just picture the new seating areas being full of JCL's mixed with outpriced people from level two/one blocks and ofcourse the opportunistic types who will see the £299 sc as an "investment" and only ever use their seat when we play the Rags.

Atmosphere improvement? yea right...

I was feeling hyped about this but now not so.
The stadium will just feel plastic and Raggish.

Welcome to Old Scaffold 2.0

You like the Smith's don't you Steve

Heaven knows I'm miserable now ;)

Lol,I just want Atmosphere at City fella and able to be amongst likeminded Supporters... Rather than feeling awkward when I start singing as a group of tourists start taking pictures of me on their Tablet devices and pointing as though we're apart of the entertainment or something.

The more this occurs the more City just turns into the Vermin and it will be time to go then sadly :(
johnmc said:
mayo31 said:
Pictures look amazing but prices have been a let down for me.

Looking at those prices listed mine which costs £450 now could increase to £599 in two seasons. Quite a jump. Over 30% possibly.

Does not look like there will be many at £299 and they will be in the gods and the corners.

Doesnt it say £450-£599. So you are just fearing the worst

Like I said, could increase to £599 in 2 seasons. Mine cost £450 now so I expect it to go up but say next season it goes to £525 and the season after £599. Then I will consider fucking it off.

I have three to buy. A lot of people will have a limit they will pay.
tonea2003 said:
jrb said:
DiscoSteve said:
Inconsistency in the renders on this subject I'm afraid...

No external bridges on this one...

Possibly might me external bridges on this one...

Two different designs.

Which one is the final one?

Note the different exterior of the SS as well.

Here's one.

I'd like to see most of the £299 season tickets go to new City fans. If the majority of the £299 season tickets get snapped up by current season ticket holders relocating, what incentive is there for new City fans to come to the matches? They don't come now because they can't afford ticket prices. They won't come if they are priced out of cheap season tickets.

The club have to be careful about this.

why shouldn't i who will priced out of the seat i'm already in have an opportunity to take a £299 seat especially when i'll be bringing two new blues to the ground?


Let's say there's 6000 £299 season tickets.(obviously there won't be that many)

If what you are doing was copied, then *2000* £299 seats would be taken up by current season ticket holders.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think that's the idea behind these £299 season tickets. The idea was to attract City fans back who have been priced out of City, or can't get a season ticket.

The fact that many individual season ticket holders will also see this as an excuse to reduce their season tickets costs will also impact on the availability of these new £299 season tickets. And the club will be left with hundreds of normal priced seats in the other tiers they can't sell.

As I've stated, if the club aren't careful current season ticket holders relocating will swallow up the majority of these £299 season tickets.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but that wasn't the idea of making these £299 season ticket available and affordable.(to City fans who can't currently get or afford a season ticket/match ticket)
Why Always Ste said:
I just want Atmosphere at City fella and able to be amongst likeminded Supporters... Rather than feeling awkward when I start singing as a group of tourists start taking pictures of me on their Tablet devices and pointing as though we're apart of the entertainment or something.
You shouldn't be so self-conscious, mate ;-)
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
Still not sure how this will work. Money's pretty tight and City's fan base is very working class in composition, so surely existing season ticket holders are gonna want to get their hands on these new £299 tickets, moving from their current seats to do so. Won't that just create more empties in the relatively expensive lower tiers, that we can't then fill. I mean the very probable reason people are not turning up for televised games now (for which they've already got season tickets) is in order to save a bob or two (pie, pint, programme, public transport, petrol, etc). Surely, price cuts right across the board is the only way we're going to persuade old fans to come back?
They could have used the extra seats to drive down prices for everyone whilst filling the stadium and upping the revenue. It looks like they've decided to travel down another path.

My feelings as well.

In the cold light of day this isn't what we thought it was going too be. If the club had made both expanded 3rd tier's £299-£350, then that would have accommodated relocations and new fans. As it is, there is a limited amount of £299 season tickets that current season ticket holders and new ones will want.

I know who's going to win, unless the club restrict current season ticket holder relocations to the new £299 season tickets.

Put it this way. Lose a £500 season ticket holder, give them a £299 season ticket, and their old seat remains empty. Either way, that doesn't make business sense.

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