Stadium Expansion

jrb said:
cleavers said:
Anyone expecting cheaper tickets is going to be very disappointed.

FFPR is not a one year consideration, and they need to make the club break even/profitable. United have around 25,000 corporate tickets, we have less than 5000, so do the maths on say £80 per ticket over a season.

At the moment if we increased corporate to 25,000 (remember its corprate which is not the same as "fan" so it could be done, especially if we are champions), that would leave only 19,000 tickets for the 'ordinary' fan (assuming 3000 away fans), so an increase to 60,000 capacity, still only leaves 32,000 tickets, less than we currently have as season ticket holders alone.

The club will also want more day trippers, because they bring in far more revenue than loyal season ticket holders do, so even with a 60,000 capacity, there is little or no scope for any price reductions.

Even history will tell you prices do not come down, unless of course you get an inferior product, and that is not what our owner is after.

If City don't adjust the ticket prices, those extra seats won't be filled.

The club is not at the stage yet(United, Arsenal, Liverpool, etc) where it can charge top dollar and fill a 60K stadium.

I think there will be a revised pricing policy to make sure the stadium is full or almost full for every PL match. As for the CL and cup games, who knows.
You'll be very disappointed then.

Corporate is not selling to fans, its selling to business, they entertain clients, they don't really care which stadium they do it at, they'll do it where the best football is.

I'm pretty sure that our owner with his contacts could esily sell out at least 3 times our corporate capacity if he had the space, which he doesn't, so he'll expand to make it.

If you really think he's worried about blues from collyhurst, denton, sale or even aderley edge you are mistaken, the serious money is made from selling the corporate deals to companies who can afford to pay, and will come, even now.

Sorry if it doesn't fit with the ordinary fan's view but that is what is already happening, they didn't put in soft seats for the likes of me and you ;-)
cleavers said:
jrb said:
cleavers said:
Anyone expecting cheaper tickets is going to be very disappointed.

FFPR is not a one year consideration, and they need to make the club break even/profitable. United have around 25,000 corporate tickets, we have less than 5000, so do the maths on say £80 per ticket over a season.

At the moment if we increased corporate to 25,000 (remember its corprate which is not the same as "fan" so it could be done, especially if we are champions), that would leave only 19,000 tickets for the 'ordinary' fan (assuming 3000 away fans), so an increase to 60,000 capacity, still only leaves 32,000 tickets, less than we currently have as season ticket holders alone.

The club will also want more day trippers, because they bring in far more revenue than loyal season ticket holders do, so even with a 60,000 capacity, there is little or no scope for any price reductions.

Even history will tell you prices do not come down, unless of course you get an inferior product, and that is not what our owner is after.

If City don't adjust the ticket prices, those extra seats won't be filled.

The club is not at the stage yet(United, Arsenal, Liverpool, etc) where it can charge top dollar and fill a 60K stadium.

I think there will be a revised pricing policy to make sure the stadium is full or almost full for every PL match. As for the CL and cup games, who knows.
You'll be very disappointed then.

Corporate is not selling to fans, its selling to business, they entertain clients, they don't really care which stadium they do it at, they'll do it where the best football is.

I'm pretty sure that our owner with his contacts could esily sell out at least 3 times our corporate capacity if he had the space, which he doesn't, so he'll expand to make it.

If you really think he's worried about blues from collyhurst, denton, sale or even aderley edge you are mistaken, the serious money is made from selling the corporate deals to companies who can afford to pay, and will come, even now.

Sorry if it doesn't fit with the ordinary fan's view but that is what is already happening, they didn't put in soft seats for the likes of me and you ;-)

sell out the corporates what like today in the colin bell swaths of empty seats
marco said:
cleavers said:
jrb said:
If City don't adjust the ticket prices, those extra seats won't be filled.

The club is not at the stage yet(United, Arsenal, Liverpool, etc) where it can charge top dollar and fill a 60K stadium.

I think there will be a revised pricing policy to make sure the stadium is full or almost full for every PL match. As for the CL and cup games, who knows.
You'll be very disappointed then.

Corporate is not selling to fans, its selling to business, they entertain clients, they don't really care which stadium they do it at, they'll do it where the best football is.

I'm pretty sure that our owner with his contacts could esily sell out at least 3 times our corporate capacity if he had the space, which he doesn't, so he'll expand to make it.

If you really think he's worried about blues from collyhurst, denton, sale or even aderley edge you are mistaken, the serious money is made from selling the corporate deals to companies who can afford to pay, and will come, even now.

Sorry if it doesn't fit with the ordinary fan's view but that is what is already happening, they didn't put in soft seats for the likes of me and you ;-)

sell out the corporates what like today in the colin bell swaths of empty seats
So the Colin Bell is all corporate then? Fuck me I dropped a bollock getting a season ticket in there!
cleavers said:
Anyone expecting cheaper tickets is going to be very disappointed.

FFPR is not a one year consideration, and they need to make the club break even/profitable. United have around 25,000 corporate tickets, we have less than 5000, so do the maths on say £80 per ticket over a season.

At the moment if we increased corporate to 25,000 (remember its corprate which is not the same as "fan" so it could be done, especially if we are champions), that would leave only 19,000 tickets for the 'ordinary' fan (assuming 3000 away fans), so an increase to 60,000 capacity, still only leaves 32,000 tickets, less than we currently have as season ticket holders alone.

The club will also want more day trippers, because they bring in far more revenue than loyal season ticket holders do, so even with a 60,000 capacity, there is little or no scope for any price reductions.

Even history will tell you prices do not come down, unless of course you get an inferior product, and that is not what our owner is after.

Wasn't it Tom Glick who was accredited with increasing Derby's attendances, through fairly innovative pricing structures? I might be wrong on this, but I imagine having the extra capacity would potentially give us more flexibility in what we charge.

We could still increase the corporate/day tripper potential, but simulatenously reduce pricing in the ends behind the goals. Might be an optimistic vision, but the club will have surely worked out the figures regarding more fans on cheaper tickets vs fewer fans in more expensive seats.

We don't have United's global fanbase, so it'd be folly to price out the loyal supporters. The increased capacity would give us the scope to keep everyone happy.

As Didsbury Dave suggested, you'd hope the club would look seriously at turning South Stand Level 3 into a cheaply priced area, to encourage the singers to congregate there and let the atmosphere spread. We could also take a pro-active stance, as Villa and Sunderland have, regarding standings sections.
WNRH said:
1.618034 said:
WNRH said:
It's not an obsession it's basic economics. Why spend millions extending the stadium by 13,000 seats if in reality only 3,000 will be used for the majority of games? Waste of money.

Ok let's do the Maths...

If it attracts only 3000 extras then assuming they spend an average of about £50 each (ticket plus beer, food, merch...) then that's an extra £150k per game.

But obviously I think you're being overly pessimistic, so instead I'll assume it attracts an average of 10k more, a reasonable assumption IMO as we sold out season cards on the first day and have sold out every home league game for over 12 months, then that's an extra £500k per game! That's half a million. Pounds. Per game. On average. WHEN it does sell out that's an extra Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds.

Now if you think that's to be sniffed at, and also taking into consideration that any money spent on the stadium is exempt from FFPR, then I'm afraid you're deluded if you can't see the economic point.

Your maths are based on assumption, where is the demand for an extra 1,000 tickets let alone 10,000. Typing 10,000 is simply pressing 6 buttons on a keyboard, sounds easy to fill, but try and get 10,000 to hand over £50 every two weeks and see if it is easy.

It really doesn't matter.

The Sheihk effectively has infinite money. And stadium expansion does not count in the FFP calculations.

Therefore stadium expansion is basically free. We have the money, won't miss it one iota, and UEFA will let us spend it.

If we sell an extra few thousand tickets just a few times a season, it's extra money towards our FFP break-even target. 10,000 every week or 2,000 three or four times a season. It's still worth it.

And apart from anything else, it's a long term investment. In 10 years time when City is a bigger world wide brand than United, we will need 60,000+ seats every week. It's not a question of if, it's when. We might as well do it sooner rather than later.
strongbowholic said:
marco said:
cleavers said:
You'll be very disappointed then.

Corporate is not selling to fans, its selling to business, they entertain clients, they don't really care which stadium they do it at, they'll do it where the best football is.

I'm pretty sure that our owner with his contacts could esily sell out at least 3 times our corporate capacity if he had the space, which he doesn't, so he'll expand to make it.

If you really think he's worried about blues from collyhurst, denton, sale or even aderley edge you are mistaken, the serious money is made from selling the corporate deals to companies who can afford to pay, and will come, even now.

Sorry if it doesn't fit with the ordinary fan's view but that is what is already happening, they didn't put in soft seats for the likes of me and you ;-)

sell out the corporates what like today in the colin bell swaths of empty seats
So the Colin Bell is all corporate then? Fuck me I dropped a bollock getting a season ticket in there!

either your a numpty or fishing i'd say the later as no one cant be that simple not knowing where the corp seats are in the colin bell
marco said:
sell out the corporates what like today in the colin bell swaths of empty seats
Yes there are empty seats there, doesn't mean the people are not in the stadium. Also we have a very small range of corporate seats, because we don't have many in the first place. Some will not be suitable for the mass corporate market, which are almost always full.

We haven't even started to tap the market yet, since we aren't yet that successful, but they will be looking to take them from old trafford, we will be their competition for corporates.

Anyway carry on believing in cheaper tickets if you want, like I said you will be disappointed.
Chippy_boy said:
WNRH said:
1.618034 said:
Ok let's do the Maths...

If it attracts only 3000 extras then assuming they spend an average of about £50 each (ticket plus beer, food, merch...) then that's an extra £150k per game.

But obviously I think you're being overly pessimistic, so instead I'll assume it attracts an average of 10k more, a reasonable assumption IMO as we sold out season cards on the first day and have sold out every home league game for over 12 months, then that's an extra £500k per game! That's half a million. Pounds. Per game. On average. WHEN it does sell out that's an extra Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds.

Now if you think that's to be sniffed at, and also taking into consideration that any money spent on the stadium is exempt from FFPR, then I'm afraid you're deluded if you can't see the economic point.

Your maths are based on assumption, where is the demand for an extra 1,000 tickets let alone 10,000. Typing 10,000 is simply pressing 6 buttons on a keyboard, sounds easy to fill, but try and get 10,000 to hand over £50 every two weeks and see if it is easy.

It really doesn't matter.

The Sheihk effectively has infinite money. And stadium expansion does not count in the FFP calculations.

Therefore stadium expansion is basically free. We have the money, won't miss it one iota, and UEFA will let us spend it.

If we sell an extra few thousand tickets just a few times a season, it's extra money towards our FFP break-even target. 10,000 every week or 2,000 three or four times a season. It's still worth it.

And apart from anything else, it's a long term investment. In 10 years time when City is a bigger world wide brand than United, we will need 60,000+ seats every week. It's not a question of if, it's when. We might as well do it sooner rather than later.

The shiek doesn't have infinite money hence his investment in us, and his ADUG business portfolio. He doesn't spend money because he can, he spends money to make money.

Also we won't be a bigger brand than United in 10 years, maybe 30 if we are lucky but not 10.
marco said:
strongbowholic said:
marco said:
sell out the corporates what like today in the colin bell swaths of empty seats
So the Colin Bell is all corporate then? Fuck me I dropped a bollock getting a season ticket in there!

either your a numpty or fishing i'd say the later as no one cant be that simple not knowing where the corp seats are in the colin bell
I'm clearly a numpty, love.

After all, who in their right mind would respond to a post that calls out the Colin Bell stand for having swaths of empty seats.

Did you count them all?
Caveman said:
jrb said:
Caveman said:
From what I remember, isn't our stadium a mini version of the ANZ Stadium? Maybe what is happening is the reverse of what happened there...

2000 Olympics:

Present day:

Yes I know this held 120000 and now holds 90000 so it's on a different planet to our stadium, but the huge second tiers behind the goals were removed after the Olympics and it was capped off with a finish just like ours is now. Maybe we'll go the other way with an extension back of our second tiers behind the goals but with a roof put in over the top.?

Here's one I did earlier. (September)


As it is now.


Or the otherway around.

Messing about.

A photoshop wizard I'm not.

Add 4 more spirals and 8 supporting masts. Use your imagination. It could be....


A ha, indeed! So I'm not alone in this way if thinking. Well that would be impressive, imposing stands are the ones that create the best noise and intimidate the oppositions. Doesn't matter about looks, it will be nice anyway.

I'd love one big tier but my imagination isn't letting me put a roof over the ends :/

Anybody see how that would work without looking a mess?

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