stadium party

Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

To be honest I think it will be far better in Albert Sq than the stadium. It willl be absolutely rammed and the atmosphere/noise level will be immense. The stadium may well not be full and I suspect the atmosphere won't quite be as good, although you'll get a better view of the cup probably.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

gingerthai said:
1_barry_conlon said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I am disappointed that I havent got one but its not the end of the world.

I will head to Manchester see the bus and then go for a beer.

There will be people in the stadium who cant afford to go to games. It doesnt mean they support us any less than I do. I am just fortunate enough to be able to afford to go.

Nothing will beat the thrill of being at wembley when we lifted our first cup since I started going 34 years ago. I dont think any future trophy will compare either.

Fully concur with this.

Some of us were fortunate to see it happen on Saturday and i don't begrudge anyone who didn't get to go and have managed to get a 'free' ticket for Monday.

I'm going all retro on Monday. My sister took me to see them bring it back in 69 when i was 4,so she's insisting on taking me again to Albert Sq this Monday.

I'll be the one on the 'space hopper'.....!

Accidents can happen when your drunk and in charge of a space hopper.


The health and safety nazis will be on my case now you've brought this to their attention.

Pretty sure that's a MKII space hopper, though i could be wrong?

Looks like i'll have to take my 'clackers' instead.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Skashion said:
Marvin said:
Not necessarily. When there are 5 people chasing every ticket then 4 will have tried and failed..
I found it really difficult because of time and lack of transport to get tickets so I doubt any Utd fans will have been that desperate to get tickets.

You can't just distribute them to seasoncard holders because on a Monday night 10s of thousands wouldn't / couldn't go.

Maybe it should have been 2 max per card, and you shouldn't be able to queue again. But how do you do that without using the Ticket Office. Not easy
Hard as it is to believe, some rags live in Manchester and some rags have blue mates and don't hate us so much that they'll pass up on a free party.

My solution would have been to let seasoncard holders activate theirs on whatever day online, then Citycard holders on the next day, then Accesscard holders if any remain.
I don't think many City fans would pass a ticket on to a United fan when he must know loads of blues who'd want one. This is a red herring
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

The club got it totally wrong IMO.

Myself was at the Cup Final and had no plans to go to the stadium but will be taking my sons to the Town Hall but season tickets should have been given priority for the showing as many didn't have the chance to get to Wembley.

I know of numerous fans who have maybe attended 2 games all season who will be attending the homecoming and also fans who have been ST who have missed out.

The club should have prioritised who could have been attending in the same way they did for tickets for the Semi and the Final
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Skashion said:
Marvin said:
Not necessarily. When there are 5 people chasing every ticket then 4 will have tried and failed..
I found it really difficult because of time and lack of transport to get tickets so I doubt any Utd fans will have been that desperate to get tickets.

You can't just distribute them to seasoncard holders because on a Monday night 10s of thousands wouldn't / couldn't go.

Maybe it should have been 2 max per card, and you shouldn't be able to queue again. But how do you do that without using the Ticket Office. Not easy
Hard as it is to believe, some rags live in Manchester and some rags have blue mates and don't hate us so much that they'll pass up on a free party.

My solution would have been to let seasoncard holders activate theirs on whatever day online, then Citycard holders on the next day, then Accesscard holders if any remain.

Activating everybodies season cards couldn't be done, it wouldn't work.
35% of our fan base live in the South East (taken from ticket sales), do you think they would have all come, doubt it, a further percentage live in other areas of the country, would they all go?
The ground would have been half empty.
The only way of distributing tickets to fans that could attend and ensure the stadium was full was on a first come first served basis and it was right to start giving them away at the match on Tuesday where everybody gets a chance.
Everybody has a moan because they think they know better and nothing is fair when they don't get what they want, if the gound held 100,000 there would still be disappointed people without tickets...............There is no pleasing some people.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

Marvin said:
I don't think many City fans would pass a ticket on to a United fan when he must know loads of blues who'd want one. This is a red herring
The point being that no attempt had been made to assure they get into the hands of those who deserve them the most. There's clearly big blues on here unable to get them as evidenced by the exchange thread whereas there is anecdotal evidence that people who aren't particularly bothered, even rags in the very worst cases, have got them. I cannot understand why some people on here cannot comprehend that others would think there is something wrong with that.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

The club should have prioritised who could have been attending in the same way they did for tickets for the Semi and the Final

They making the tickets available before and after Tuesdays game. If you were at the game, you could have got a ticket.

If you didn't go on Tuesday or couldn't be bothered queuing then you missed you chance...simple as.
Re: stadium party - a cock for loyal fans

The club got it totally wrong IMO.

Myself was at the Cup Final and had no plans to go to the stadium but will be taking my sons to the Town Hall but season tickets should have been given priority for the showing as many didn't have the chance to get to Wembley.

I know of numerous fans who have maybe attended 2 games all season who will be attending the homecoming and also fans who have been ST who have missed out.

The club should have prioritised who could have been attending in the same way they did for tickets for the Semi and the Final
It's for all City fans who have waited 35 years

Fans at the game on Tues night who were largely seasoncard holders had a chance before anyone else.

Not easy to prioritise without using Ticket office computers - how else do you prevent people queueing twice, and do you want to queue 5 hours like we did for Cup Final tickets again. You could issue them free to seasoncard holders, but how do you know they'd go. Thousands didn't for the earlier rounds of Cup games. They shouldn't have given 4 pp. Should have been 2 pp from the start.

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