Star Wars VII

Darth Plageus I heard

I heard that too, and if true then potentially anyone could "come back" as Plageus was murdered by Sidious after learning that there was a way to cheat death.
However, I'd assumed that was to come back as a force ghost rather than made flesh. Maybe Plageus would be good but bringing back people willy nilly would be bad.
I liked it but it did not amaze me. Worst bit was the fact that Blair from Eldorado was one of the main baddies. Also, where was the love story. We all need a bit of romance.
I heard that too, and if true then potentially anyone could "come back" as Plageus was murdered by Sidious after learning that there was a way to cheat death.
However, I'd assumed that was to come back as a force ghost rather than made flesh. Maybe Plageus would be good but bringing back people willy nilly would be bad.

It would reasonably make sense and would be alright if just Plageus managed to bring himself back but as you say if more people started coming back from the dead it'd just get stupid.
It still doesn't explain how she could suddenly learn all these powers. Also what of Finn? He uses a saber and takes on a sith toe to toe, surely he's force sensitive. I felt the Poe character would be more a Han Solo type.

mashipx said:
I cant help but feel Finn was taken from the Calrissian family at birth, may even turn out to be Lando's son.Ive read he may appear in the next film. It was mentioned in the film that babies are being taken from families at birth by the First Order, a new approach instead of using breeding farms to create troopers. Hense the different breeds of troopers like Captain Phasma. Im looking forward to the next film and hoping for a chamge in direction, whilst Force Awakens was well made, it just fealt like a bigger version of New Hope.
Harrison Ford may appear again in flash backs to give back ground to Ren and Rey being brother and sister..... the sister being the stronger of the 2. Clearly Solo didnt realise that Rey is his daughter. Why else would they cast the character Rey similar to Natalie Portman who played Priness Leia's mum?.
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I hope they don't make everyone related, there's already enough brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers in the originals.

It'll end up being like a drama set in Stoke or Norwich.

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