"Sterling and Delph: Snakes with a brain"

Sterling gets booed because most football fans are hugely influenced by the media. If the papers say someone is good, they believe it. If the papers say someone is bad, they believe it. If the players say someone deserves to be booed they will boo him.

Liverpool did a number on Sterling in the press and so many thick twats have fallen for it.
Sadly that doesn't only apply to football fans.
My favourite:

"I wasn't angry at Delph because he made a bad career choice or his lack of gentlemanly conduct, just because he'd left my team for someone else. I hope he rots"

Unfortunately dickhead that makes you out to be a bitter knobhead and gladly it'll be Aston Villa that rots not Delph. Wait until you're relegated and half the playing staff sod off because of the contract inclusions. Oh and you're support is shit as well, just when the club need you the most half the crowd has done one. You're "Where were you when you were shit" chants look a bit hollow now don't they. At least we turned up in numbers when we were shite. Look forward to seeing you smashed by Sheff Wed, Sheff Utd, Derby, Forest and Leeds next year. Don't think you're a cert to bounce back 1st time either as if you don't sort you're shit out you'll be in League 1 before you known it.
I want you to win you're FA Cup replay for the chance to kick your arse out of the Cup as well - bet you'll turn up for that one waving your false money and hissing at Delph you sad muppets. I hope he scores a hat-trick!
Even if by some miracle you get a result against us (see cityitis) I'll treat myself to a pint the day you get relegated, bye-bye mugs.

So no real opinion about them then Kinky :-))
Bloody fence sitters!
Regarding Delph, I cannot be mad at Villa fans, no matter how they feel. Their club is selling their best players, but as a football fan, your club can do no wrong. Which only leaves one person left to be mad at. Also, they must be bitter towards us after we took Gaz Baz and Jimmy off them. That crippled the progress of their team. And delph did himself no favours with his indecision.

The way Sterling was treated was fucking disrgaceful. There is absolutely no excuse to try and destroy a young man for wanting to move on after 3 years.

Fuck the other teams. We didn't make this culture of 'tapping up' players. We didn't set the precedents that led to 'english-trained premiums.' We didn't inflate the size of the industry to the point where revenue is irresistible, perpetual force in motion. All of this began happening while we were shit, so no one can blame us. If football is honour-less then it was honour-less well before Khaldoon and Co arrived.
Sterling gets booed everywhere and it is ridiculous. Ramsey got booed at Stoke (which was reprehensible) and there were multiple articles about how horrible that was, since it was his prerogative to accept Shawcross' apology for breaking his leg.

Where is the support for a 20 year old boy making a career move, which seems to have been the right one at that? Wasn't it his prerogative to move to a bigger team with significantly greater chances of winning trophies every year?

These same fuckers will be cheering on Delph and Sterling at the Euros. I hope Raheem bags a hat trick at Klanfield and displays one of Mario's shirts to the twats right after...or pulls an Adebayor :)
Quinn and collymoron on talksport ran hate campaigns against these two,grown older men bullying younger men,they are scum and should not be in a job with that much influence
Nasri weathered it and so will sterling and fab,win a trophy and two fingers up
Pretty much spot on with what most blues think. Loyalty doesn't really exist in football these days with players and clubs as we all found out with Swp. Part of the game
Pretty much spot on with what most blues think. Loyalty doesn't really exist in football these days with players and clubs as we all found out with Swp. Part of the game
Have I missed something ref SWP ? He had to leave for Chelsea as we would have bone bankrupt,something I believe that even Shauney understood, and as both club and fans we welcomed him back with open arms I`m not certain why you`ve mentioned him ?

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