Stock up on bog roll here we go again

2 ways to get a lot of clicks and views, 1. Create a sensationalist news story on Manchester City ownership 2. Create a fear inducing story about a new virus that 'could' become a global pandemic.
Covid didn't cause a shortage of bog roll. Morons did.
There wasn't even a shortage. It's just a large, cheap item that takes up a lot of room on a shelf.

BBC News went as far as to run a piece from a bog roll factory in (I think) Salford, showing a factory, warehouse and massive lorries full of the stuff, dickheads just kept buying it faster than the poor sods could stack the shelves, for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Joking aside I wonder how many people would go along with this and roll up their sleeve to take a vaccine.
I can see Scottyboi and his type who shit themselves and panicked/believed the lies last time forming an orderly queue
Talking to people (in the real world not internet) then there is so many people saying they wouldn’t fall for the bullshit again,wouldn’t sit in their house wearing a mask,afraid to talk to their loved ones,listen to Healdplace or any other of the bollox that people fell for last time
Let’s hope people have learnt their lessons,I fear not and we would all have to suffer because of the lack of people being brave enough to say NO to these psychopaths

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