Stock up on bog roll here we go again

Joking aside I wonder how many people would go along with this and roll up their sleeve to take a vaccine.
I can see Scottyboi and his type who shit themselves and panicked/believed the lies last time forming an orderly queue
Talking to people (in the real world not internet) then there is so many people saying they wouldn’t fall for the bullshit again,wouldn’t sit in their house wearing a mask,afraid to talk to their loved ones,listen to Healdplace or any other of the bollox that people fell for last time
Let’s hope people have learnt their lessons,I fear not and we would all have to suffer because of the lack of people being brave enough to say NO to these psychopaths
In all seriousness, it would depend on the ratio of getting the disease and death.

There is already a vaccine available for this, so anyone not taking it would be crazy, given that Mpox looks far more deadly than Covid, but harder to spread.

Like everything these days, the choice will depend on social media and each user’s ability to source the correct information.

As it’s not as contagious, I can’t see this becoming a pandemic. Just spread by idiots that won’t listen to advice.
In all seriousness, it would depend on the ratio of getting the disease and death.

There is already a vaccine available for this, so anyone not taking it would be crazy, given that Mpox looks far more deadly than Covid, but harder to spread.

Like everything these days, the choice will depend on social media and each user’s ability to source the correct information.

As it’s not as contagious, I can’t see this becoming a pandemic. Just spread
I just can’t anybody being so fucking stupid to have 5 injections,sit in their house waiting for some lying **** on the bullshit media channel of their choice to direct them in what to do next,surely you have all learnt a lesson ,surely you can’t be that stupid to have that many injections and listen to complete psychopathic liars,ok mock and scoff all you like I’m used to it,it doesn’t bother me but please,come on everybody let’s learn from our mistakes,admit that you’ve been had over and refuse to partake in the bullshit
I just can’t anybody being so fucking stupid to have 5 injections,sit in their house waiting for some lying **** on the bullshit media channel of their choice to direct them in what to do next,surely you have all learnt a lesson ,surely you can’t be that stupid to have that many injections and listen to complete psychopathic liars,ok mock and scoff all you like I’m used to it,it doesn’t bother me but please,come on everybody let’s learn from our mistakes,admit that you’ve been had over and refuse to partake in the bullshit
Do you believe any disease or virus is real?

If so, how do you distinguish between the made up ones and real ones?
I just can’t anybody being so fucking stupid to have 5 injections,sit in their house waiting for some lying **** on the bullshit media channel of their choice to direct them in what to do next,surely you have all learnt a lesson ,surely you can’t be that stupid to have that many injections and listen to complete psychopathic liars,ok mock and scoff all you like I’m used to it,it doesn’t bother me but please,come on everybody let’s learn from our mistakes,admit that you’ve been had over and refuse to partake in the bullshit
And if all those people you are mocking hadn't had the vaccine and halted the spread of covid what world would we be in now and with how many dead ?
Do you believe any disease or virus is real?

If so, how do you distinguish between the made up ones and real
Do you believe any disease or virus is real?

If so, how do you distinguish between the made up ones and real ones?
it’s easy for me to see straight through lies and bullshit,if it’s in the main stream media it’s a lie more often than not,if it’s designed to put people in fear then that’s how it is designed,when they have you living in fear you are far easier to manipulate,ask any gangster and these cunts are the biggest gangsters

I can’t reply to you as you aren’t quoting properly.

It might be easy for you to decipher what you believe is bullshit. It doesn’t mean that you are right though.

You’ve been radicalised by social media and become an angry warrior trying to save “the truth”.

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