Stoke Vs City Post match Discussion Thread

SuperYaya said:
God this forum is so whingey at times.

Yes we probably should have won, but a point at the Britannia is definitely an okay result. We were easily the better team in the first half and it took an acrobatic clearance, two great saves and a cheating lanky ballsack to deny us all 3 points. We never looked like conceding a 2nd and shouldn't have conceded the first, just look at the positives.
It's ok but the feeling is that we could have won by putting more effort on this game. The subs were too conservative and towards a drawing, maybe Mancini is happier than most of us are.
I can't praise Garcia enough. He was imposing & his passing all but one stray was fantastic. Great goal, & unlucky to get another.

Maicon, i'm not too sure about. There were times where i thought he tried to do too much alone when the simple pass was on.

Sinclair started well but really faded late in the first half. Had a few good runs, solid debut.
Ducado said:
andrewmswift said:
Bobbies Black Bins said:
This will go down as the worse performance by and under Mancini. Terrible defending always looked nervy and likely to concede another goal which gave Stoke the upper-hand. Terrible passing watching us become a lump forward team all first half was embarrassing.

Terrible subs made by Roberto to Mario on and take Carlos off was just mystifying totally dumfounded by that choice and in the end was making desperate subs to cover up this first mistake.

I'm really dreading the pumping we will take on Tuesday unless there is a remarkable improvement.

Very depressed and upset we look a shadow of the team this time last season.

there's no way you're a city fan

I imagine he's like that useless salesman on the Simpsons, forget his name...

He is a bit suspect, or he could just be one of those really depressing people that you meet every now and then, we certainley attract all sorts on here

I imagine he's like that salesman on the Simpsons, forget his name....
Frustrating game, could have been 3pts in the dying seconds, sounds like Garcia is going to be good, Maicon showed glimpse's, but sinclair had a quiet game, just glad we've got this awful fixture out of the way, glad to see Barry back................
Bobbies Black Bins said:
This will go down as the worse performance by and under Mancini. Terrible defending always looked nervy and likely to concede another goal which gave Stoke the upper-hand. Terrible passing watching us become a lump forward team all first half was embarrassing.

Terrible subs made by Roberto to Mario on and take Carlos off was just mystifying totally dumfounded by that choice and in the end was making desperate subs to cover up this first mistake.

I'm really dreading the pumping we will take on Tuesday unless there is a remarkable improvement.

Very depressed and upset we look a shadow of the team this time last season.

were you bullied at school or sommat ??
kabuverdimcfc said:
Bluemoon_bosnia said:
Don't get me wrong.. but easily

Manchini = IDIOT
Maicon = to old for 3rd league, for PL an CL what a waste of money
Garcia = Looks OK
Sinclair = Same shit as AJ

DZEKO= In 3 minutes better than Balotelli in 90 Minutes

Haters gonna hate... but dzeko is still your best forward... I love dzeko and dzeko is a world class player.. as much as you hate him we love him GO EDIN!!!

And they said: Balotelli is better than Dzeko!

He is.
Having just seen it again on French tv I've no fucking idea how handball wasn't given against Crouch. He must've handled it 3 times in the space of five seconds. Appalling decision.

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