Stoke Vs City Post match Discussion Thread

Bobbies Black Bins said:
This will go down as the worse performance by and under Mancini. Terrible defending always looked nervy and likely to concede another goal which gave Stoke the upper-hand. Terrible passing watching us become a lump forward team all first half was embarrassing.

Terrible subs made by Roberto to Mario on and take Carlos off was just mystifying totally dumfounded by that choice and in the end was making desperate subs to cover up this first mistake.

I'm really dreading the pumping we will take on Tuesday unless there is a remarkable improvement.

Very depressed and upset we look a shadow of the team this time last season.
The rags are playing wednesday.
Clearwater said:
BillyShears said:
Having just seen it again on French tv I've no fucking idea how handball wasn't given against Crouch. He must've handled it 3 times in the space of five seconds. Appalling decision.
The criteria for him is different, he's clumsy.

For me it's situations like this that are the reason that instant replay will never be instituted. They'd have had to disallow that goal.
Clearwater said:
BillyShears said:
Having just seen it again on French tv I've no fucking idea how handball wasn't given against Crouch. He must've handled it 3 times in the space of five seconds. Appalling decision.
The criteria for him is different, he's clumsy.

Hahaha, Mancini just said in his press conference "it's not football, it's NBA".

Still two points now separate what I think will be the top 4 come the end of the season. Arsenal next weekend is a big game already.
Unknown_Genius said:
jimharri said:
Unknown_Genius said:
I would normally be quite satisfied with a point at Stoke, but its a much poorer Stoke team than usual, and considering those two chances we had at the end, I'm a bit underwhelmed. A real plus was Javi Garcia, very good debut, and will only get better. Maicon was hot and cold, but you could see his quality, and I think will be first choice right-back. Sinclair was okay, his passing was good, but he did little overall. Our defending needs to improve.

I think he will. I love Zabaleta, and Richards, but Maicon's attacking abilities, particularly at home, would give him an edge.

yep...I agree.
Crouch handles the ball about 3 times before the goal, goal allowed. Balotelli elbowed off the ball, gets a talking to. Fuck off Clattenburg!
Some people need to get a grip. Why do you always have to slate players and throw the blame around? Think about it. Stoke's goal was the only real chance they had the whole game and that was not because our defense was brilliant, either. It's because they set out to play a physical, stop-start bullshit game, and because our forward players are good at keeping possession.

Every year top teams go away to Stoke and every year they come back with draws, and yet people act so surprised. This is an extremely difficult game for players like Sinclair, Nasri, and Silva to do well in because Stoke doesn't allow any kind of flow to the play.

Sinclair probably could've gotten himself more involved, but he did nicely when he did get the ball I thought. Nasri actually was probing for us pretty well at the end of both halves. He wasn't brilliant, but what do you expect? The only time I remember him getting the ball with any kind of space was towards the end when he put that shot in on goal. Silva was no different when he came in even with fresh legs.

Tevez sub was strange, though. He thrives off of players defending him too tightly, so for me he would've been most likely to make a goal.
brian the blue said:
kabuverdimcfc said:
Bluemoon_bosnia said:
Don't get me wrong.. but easily

Manchini = IDIOT
Maicon = to old for 3rd league, for PL an CL what a waste of money
Garcia = Looks OK
Sinclair = Same shit as AJ

DZEKO= In 3 minutes better than Balotelli in 90 Minutes

Haters gonna hate... but dzeko is still your best forward... I love dzeko and dzeko is a world class player.. as much as you hate him we love him GO EDIN!!!

And they said: Balotelli is better than Dzeko!

He is.

Mario plays like a child. If Mario stops to smoke and to concentrate 90min in a match he could be better than Ronaldo...

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