Stone Roses

i was in my early teens and liked them although never watched them..

Ihave stated on here before as it has been a topic that crops up..

IMO i think although i never did see them they shouldnot get back together. No need to ruin something that is mystical tothose that didnt see them and for those who did and tell the tale..

I do like them alot.. seen Ian Brown a few times over the years... Some times i thought he was good others thought he was poor.

this is why in somee ways i dont want them toget back together.. It would split people so much not only in Manchester but all over..

"saw them last night.. they where ace"

" watched them last night ...they where crap."

Why bother with all praise them hate them....

leave them as King Arthurs Sword.....
still pissing my sides at the buffoon who suggested the stereophonics are better than the stone roses.

although i was too young to have seen them, i also believe it is something that should be left as it is. having said that, if they did reform, i'd beg, steal and borrow to get a ticket.
It's fine that you claim i am deluded and just plain daft for preferring the Phonics by a country mile, but tell me why Stone Roses are so good?
I need to know what i am missing...?
shawluka said:
It's fine that you claim i am deluded and just plain daft for preferring the Phonics by a country mile, but tell me why Stone Roses are so good?
I need to know what i am missing...?

Listen to the first album, and then once that has washed across your body listen to The Second Coming. I envy you that you haven't felt the same as me yet listening to Made of Stone. I envy you.
shawluka said:
Fried Onions said:
I know, I wept into my latte upon feasting my eyes on that golden post.


Uncomparable...opinions are just that. I have just never got the whole Stone Roses vibe and they just don't do it for me. Every song sounds the same as the last and like i said before, Mr Brown just can't sing that well.

Granada`s studio 3, is reknowned (was) for its shit sound mate, try looking them up in concert say the Empress Ballrooms Blackpool its out on dvd so should be on the net somewhere. Take a listen to their albums ,they have a distinctive sound ,I was lucky enough to be in my 20`s when they came to the fore , I`ve seen them live on a number of occasions likewise the phonic, some good gigs others shit . Its all about the vibe, you either are into it or not. I see the phonics alike travis as wishy washy pop,they have a certain target audience,as the Roses did back in the day. Both are good . But I dont own a single tune of the phonic. (shrugs) simply because they arent important to me.
I have no connection to them ,but I do with the Roses, they were a part of my growing up ,brought me to listen to similar types of music ,gutted we didnt get to see them grow as musicians , experimenting with their sound . I suppose in a way it has a certain romance to it . The whole what if? we remember the good gigs the good times ect. Then I go and spoil it by going to see Ian live a few times,good sound, good vibe,but boy that man cannot sing.
But like any good Manc. into music will tell yer give credit where credit is due, fairplay to anyone who can get up in front of a crowd of people and sing . And believe in themselves and their work. All about the vibe my friend .
As much as I like them, I'd rather they wouldn't do this. How many times have reuinions ruined bands because they just weren't that good anymore? (The Who at Superbowl last year was a good example).

Their music belonged in the Madchester era, and unless it refinds its peak again, The Stone Roses just won't fit in anymore.

So basically, what LongsightM13 said.
I was lucky enough to see The Stone Roses at the Apollo in Christmas 95 with Maddix (?) on drums as Reni had walked away (apparently because he had seen one of those street drummers on a New York subway and stated that he could never play that well and so he should give up). I can tell you now it was one of the greatest experiences of my life, and it was 6 years after Alexandra Palace and Spike Island but it didn't detract from the experience.

Fuck it get them back together lets have a massive party with all the classics anyone under 30 is on the black list.
"never return to a lit firework..".........ian brown,1997.....

i`m a huge roses fan but at the end of the day we have to remember that they are dirty rags and it wouldn`t surprise me if we won the fa cup this year they`d reform just to grab the headlines.....

seriously though i can`t see it happening,it was never about making shit loads of cash that drove them,it was purely playing together as a band and making great music,to reform would just see them labelled as sellouts and that isn`t what the stone roses were about in my opinion....

but fuck me wouldn`t it be a great year if they did and we won the fa cup and got top 4...........

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