Stop moaning and get behind Mancini

I always have been behind the manager, apart from the last few months under Hughes, to sack mancini will be a huge mistake in my opinion. How people can say he's not doing a good job, when he has got us into the semi final of the FA cup and currently has us in the top 4 with a 4 point cushion!!!

As for all this mourinho talk.... why? He will only be here for a season or two, and then again we will have to re-build our squad to suit whichever manager comes, and who the fuck do you go for after mourinho? Mancini has the chance to build a long lasting legacy here, he has the pedigree and the patience to do just that, its shame some of our supposed "Supporters" dont share the same!!!
smiles said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
And the quotes I posted show that he didn't only blossom under Mancini as you erroneously suggested.

no they don't, they're fans opinions, and they show that fans like him. nothing more

And your claim.....

smiles said:
but he didn't really come good til he played CB under Mancini

Is only an opinion too, nothing more!

Unbelievable! You make a claim that is nothing more than your opinion. So I quote other fan's opinions that disagree with yours. What happens next? You come back and say what the other fans' say doesn't count because they're only opinions!


the point is that even the great VK took time to settle in and get to his best, surely you'd agree with that?

The point is he was playing well more or less right from the off. Yes, he's got even better, but he was good to start off with.
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
smiles said:
People have a very short memory when it comes to player progression. The 'MH's' signings who are now the backbone of our team all took time to settle in. I can remember people slating Dejong on here when he first played for us, same goes for Kompany, he's always been a fans fav but he didn't really come good til he played CB under Mancini.

LOL! Stop re-writing history!

From 2008:

oaksie2 said:
We have got Liverpool next Sunday so will be able to give a balanced opinion after the game. Love the start to Kompany's City career, looks the business.
<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=88697&p=1306247&hilit=Kompany#p1306247</a>

bluemoon05 said:
Vincent Kompany is king
<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=91741&p=1358490&hilit=Kompany#p1358490</a>

sherburncity said:
Robinho for me but Kompany is on the up,considering he's only 22 he has fitted in really well.
<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=91741&p=1358847&hilit=Kompany#p1358847</a>

I think you're the one with the "short memory".
Beat me to it!
Resorting to Lying now, these Mancini fans really are clutching at straws
pepsi_dave said:
I always have been behind the manager, apart from the last few months under Hughes, to sack mancini will be a huge mistake in my opinion. How people can say he's not doing a good job, when he has got us into the semi final of the FA cup

And didn't Hughes get us to a semi? Didn't Hughes get us to the quaters of the Europa?

Yet you lost faith in Hughes, but stick behind Bobby The Scarf?


As for all this mourinho talk.... why? He will only be here for a season or two,

And how do you know?

He's done Italy. He would have done Spain. Too young yet for Portugal job. He loves England.

Where would he go?

-- Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:38 pm --

forevermancity said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
LOL! Stop re-writing history!

From 2008:

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=88697&p=1306247&hilit=Kompany#p1306247</a>

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=91741&p=1358490&hilit=Kompany#p1358490</a>

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=91741&p=1358847&hilit=Kompany#p1358847</a>

I think you're the one with the "short memory".
Beat me to it!
Resorting to Lying now, these Mancini fans really are clutching at straws

They are getting desperate, aren't they?

smiles said:
People have a very short memory when it comes to player progression. The 'MH's' signings who are now the backbone of our team all took time to settle in. I can remember people slating Dejong on here when he first played for us, same goes for Kompany, he's always been a fans fav but he didn't really come good til he played CB under Mancini.

Er, any quotes to prove this? Or is it more of your re-writing history?
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
pepsi_dave said:
I always have been behind the manager, apart from the last few months under Hughes, to sack mancini will be a huge mistake in my opinion. How people can say he's not doing a good job, when he has got us into the semi final of the FA cup

And didn't Hughes get us to a semi? Didn't Hughes get us to the quaters of the Europa?

Yet you lost faith in Hughes, but stick behind Bobby The Scarf?


As for all this mourinho talk.... why? He will only be here for a season or two,

And how do you know?

He's done Italy. He would have done Spain. Too young yet for Portugal job. He loves England.

Where would he go?

To qualify my points, as you appear to have taken them out of context and twisted my words!

I never said I'm sticking behind bobby because of my opinion that he has had a good season, I'm sticking behind him because I'm fed up of a managerial merry go round that has clearly seen our progress stumped for circa 30 years... it really does beggar belief that some people are quite happy for the merry go round to continue, and ergo our lack of success!!!

I lost faith in hughes, becuase of his complete one dimensional approach of hoof it up the park to them tall lads robinho or ireland?! I lost faith in hughes because he wouldnt change tactics depending on the opposition, and it was becoming very clear that he was NOT the right man to take us forward! Mancini has played at least 4 different formations this season, and in one match (I forget who we played) I saw 4-3-3, 4-5-1, and 3-5-2, that tells me that he at least a plan B and even a plan C! Granted he has made some mistakes this season in his team selections, tactics and substitutions, but every manager makes mistakes, this is quite a normal thing to happen! I hope and think he will learn from those mistakes and we should see a different city side next year, if he doesnt, then maybe it is time to think about a change! Its funny how no one ever complains about our style of play when we win a game? All of this talk is nothing more than a petulant knee jerk reaction because god forbid a football team lost a game!!! Before you say it, I know this isn't based on just the chelsea result, but these threads only pop up after a defeat... funny that aint it! I've never seen a thread after a win, with people saying we're fucking shit and we should sack the manager! People need a scapegoat, and in this day and age of I want this and I want it Now, its easy for people to pick out the most obvious target!

Mourinho is a journeyman, and Mercenary. There is no way on this earth JM will be here for anything near his contract length lat alone, let alone 10+ years... however I can see Mancini doing just that!
Much as I hate to compare us to United, but on initial form they would have got rid of Ronaldo and Berbatov for not performing in their first season with the reds. Cantona would have been slated and dropped for the kung fu kick and Ferdinand would have been driven out of the club for missing the drug test and recurrent injuries.

We need to give the players & manager time to gel. I know we are impatient, but driving away quality players and changing our manager every 18 months will just keep putting us back. IF we don't make 4th this year, then let's reconsider, but in the mean time, let us get behind the players and the manager and enjoy the ride and the trip to Wembley.

I do wish the players would be let off the leash a bit more and allowed to play more attacking football, but whilst they are still gaining that understanding that comes from playing in a team for many years it's better to try to keep the clean sheets and have a solid foundation to build from. Give Mancini & his team time & I'm sure that next year, when the pressure's off a bit and we can attract better players because we're in the Champion's League, then our style of play and our win ratio will both improve under Mancini.
I'm not getting desperate, and to classify all "Mancini fans" as a way of grouping together everybody is as stupid as grouping you two together with the knee jerk foamers after the match, and cheapens the whole dialogue.
pepsi_dave said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
And didn't Hughes get us to a semi? Didn't Hughes get us to the quaters of the Europa?

Yet you lost faith in Hughes, but stick behind Bobby The Scarf?


And how do you know?

He's done Italy. He would have done Spain. Too young yet for Portugal job. He loves England.

Where would he go?

To qualify my points, as you appear to have taken them out of context and twisted my words!

Erm, no I didn't. I actually used YOUR quotes.

I never said I'm sticking behind bobby because of my opinion that he has had a good season,

Er, where did I say you did?

Quote, please.

I lost faith in hughes, becuase of his complete one dimensional approach

And our current approach isn't one dimensional?

Defence slowly to midfield. Few passes. Midfield slowly back to defence. Defence slowly to midfeld. Midfield slowly to our lone striker. Striker to midfield. Few slow passes. Midfield slowly to striker. Striker loses ball or passes back to midfielder - delete as appropriate.

I lost faith in hughes because he wouldnt change tactics depending on the opposition

What were the different tactics Mancini employed against Kiev away and Chelsea away?

and it was becoming very clear that he was NOT the right man to take us forward!

Why is it clear that Mancini is the right man to take us forward?

Mancini has played at least 4 different formations this season, and in one match (I forget who we played) I saw 4-3-3, 4-5-1, and 3-5-2, that tells me that he at least a plan B and even a plan C!

What formation changes did he make against Chelsea at 0-0 when it was clear they were on top and likely to score? Oh, that's right - he was going to put a defender on!

He only changed the formation when we conceeded - brilliant! And we still lost. Ah!

So, saying he changes formations and has a plan C is not neccesarily an endorsement of his managerial abilities. So the question is:

How many games have we won AFTER Roberto The Scarf has changed formations?

Answer this with an impressive number and then you will have a good point.

Mourinho is a journeyman, and Mercenary. There is no way on this earth JM will be here for anything near his contract length lat alone, let alone 10+ years...

How long have you personally known Jose, then?
I am a so called "mancini fan" and i hope he is with us for many more years and this season has been the best i have ever seen but even i know that people have a right to have abit of a moan at the moment.

I am not happy with us at the moment, who is deep down but what i am is paitent and understand that we are building more than a successful side for a few years, we are building a club and that takes time.

If Roberto Mancini is as good as a manager as i think he is then we will get in the top 4, if he doesn't then i was wrong.

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