Stop the world i want to get off moment

After watching it, I still don't really understand what it's all about. It certainly seems more than a bit weird.

I'll try to explain it but honestly... it kind of defies explanation.

People donate money to buy "an action", so all the repetitive stuff she's doing is because people have paid a small amount of money for her to do it. So if somebody spends a dollar on the ice cream icon thing she says "ice cream so good". That's why she repeats some things 5-10 times, it's because people are buying it multiple times.

She makes millions doing this.

Why do people pay for this? I really couldn't tell you.
I dont agree with you , the tories have proved they are cunts this last 14 yrs , time to give labour a go , they cant be as bad as them. You should always use your vote imo
They may be, but Labour will be 10 times worse, I'm currently not a fan ATM of the Tories but to these fools in, heaven help us, and I personally can't vote, my MP is the current sitting Speaker of the house and because he legally cannot be removed I can't have a vote (I've not been able to vote for over 15 years now).
Day after the Brexit vote.
I watched that day of the vote during a cruise, it was overnight counting in the UK but daytime in the Pacific Ocean. I stayed in our cabin most of the day glued to BBC world news as the overnight results came in.

Still gobsmacked at the result and I assumed somehow it would be overturned/reversed.....somehow. maybe.

Monumentally crazy result to a referendum that should never been allowed to happen imo. The average working person had hardly any idea of the implications, only the fake crap spewed out by Boris and Farage etc.

I don't live there, it doesn't affect my life but still don't understand it.
I did get the impression though that a certain percentage of the population were sneering at what they considered to be less educated and thick leavers which is never a good idea, winding up/mobilising people like that.

I always thought the UK should have joined the Shenzhen (spelling ?) treaty and gone full bore with currency and all that. Could've been a leader in the EU.
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Sunak is toast. If enough loony tories decide they want the fat murderer back they will either parachute him into the Lords or a totally safe tory seat (if such a thing exists these days). It only takes one Johnson supporting MP to resign to create a vacancy and a bye election

he was stripped of his Parliamentary Pass - he is no longer allowed on the Parliamentary Estate so whatever they try it would not be easy
When i realised that after working for 35 years and paying tax and NI every month the Government continue to take my money but wont give a penny more in National Pension payments.
It’s like pensions, we had a 30 year pension, if you go over you get zero benefit, but your not allowed to stop paying in otherwise it’s deferred until you were 60, now if they want people to stay in work why not allow you to freeze it until you decide you want to retire?

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