Stop the world i want to get off moment

When big fat Bob put Gillingham 2 up
I call it stop the clocks

That is when the world jumped forward a millisecond and Manchester City fans found themselves in a parallel universe. We found that we can change the game and the future of Manchester City and nothing will ever going to be the same again,
Sitting in a pub and having to buy a sausage butty for 50p on top of my pint so I could have a drink during COVID. And the gimps banging pots and pans.
That’s ashame for MCFC Wirral.

Looking back though, my moment was when there was a bouncer on the loo roll aisle during the first lockdown.
I’d just moved up to Merseyside and knew nobody either.

When the house sale money came through, I booked Stockholm for my birthday. Changed rules meant I couldn’t enter Sweden yet received nothing back as the flight still went ahead.
My old man used to sit on the committee at the Woodhouse Park Labour Club. Like the rest of the committee, he wasn’t particularly politically charged, it was that their meetings were 11am on a Sunday morning I.e 1 hour before the usual opening hours.
All my older siblings and my Mum and Dad were members there. Every Saturday night to meet my Auntie and Uncle. They used to say they had some belting Saturday nights there in the 70’s:)
I agree in principle but in this Country if you are voting for Lab/Con these days you are just voting for “2 cheeks of the same Backside” -that’s the popular view and not just George Galloway
Sorry I think anyone that thinks Labour would be anywhere near as bad or even half as bad as this Tory government winning another term and not voting are letting down those who would suffer most from the Tories continuing the road they are on.
Can’t accept anyone saying it’s the same.
This morning when I saw all the Super Bowl coverage on the news.

What an absolute load of shite.
The second most read story on the Bury Times website is about Paddy McGuiness offering his congratulations to Holly Willoughby. I clicked the story as I was intrigued as to what she had done to deserve this, perhaps saved a child’s life by throwing herself in front of a bus or by performing the Heimlich Manoeuvre? Donated a considerable sum to charity? Run a marathon in under 3 hours, perhaps?

No, she had a fucking birthday cake given to her on whatever celebrity show she’s doing. The article even describes the cake on the darned thing for those too stupid to look at the photo.

Give me Super Bowl any day.

And I still don’t know how Paddy McGuiness comes into the story.

That said, they are allowing comments …

I can appreciate that it has always come at the expense of a lot of your time effort and money, but I really do enjoy your Morrissey cancellation anecdotes............... :-)
2007 Flew to Boston from.Manchester and he walks off after 6 songs with a sore throat
Next 3 gigs cancelled in Northampton (Massachusetts), NY and Philly fortunately crashing at a friend's house so no hotel costs lost. He then plays in Virginia but next night in Baltimore is off..... fly home

2008 - London - cancelled 3 days before hadn't booked train or hotel

2010 - Liverpool - walks off during 2nd song as a cup of water hits him on the head

2017 - Boulder, Colorado (flew from Tampa) - he walks on stage (with lights up on his own) to say the keyboard player has just been rushed to hospital (gallstone issue) and gig is off including Dallas the following night. Had a nice night wondering around Dallas anyway....

2017 - Chicago and Cleveland, Ohio called off a week before gigs due to "no more money left in the tour kitty" after a number of cancellations" (see above Boulder, Dallas and a few other gigs over the next 2 weeks). Lost flight tickets (from Tampa) but was able to cancel hotels. Friend's said just go anyway but it was in December, freezing and loads of snow.

2018 - Philadelphia - he was on great form the night before at Madison Square Garden but by 5pm the next day he had flu...... stayed at a friend's house so at least didn't lose that money.
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