Stupid little things that bug you

That new way of packing minced meat is a fucking bastard. I accept it may cause less waste and I don't want to choke a whale just for the hell of it but I find it no better than the old solid plastic bases with a soft top but the meat is somehow vacuum packed in there and comes out in one big blob that is then really hard to cook with. Just started a chilli and it took ages to break down the meat.

Get a meat masher, just a few quid from Amazon.
Councils, hate them with a passion. 4 - 5 months to buy a house, hold up due to council surveyors.....costing me money in rental income whilst they expect me to pay my council tax plus 150% if I dont reach certain rental figures. Then the fuckers wonder why but clearly dont care the tourist industry is on its arse......... Work shy grabbing twats.
Bastard rain again.
We had 2/3 days without it, a nice bit of sun and that’s it for another 12mths.
Grey depressing clouds and getting pissed wet through to look forward to….

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