Stupid little things that bug you

News reporters who nod for a few seconds before starting to talk from an outside location after being handed over to by the studio.
I got that last week too, so I reported it as being offensive!
On the subject of Facebook, the "suggested reels" I get are really random. Recently I've been getting loads of stuff relating to capybaras and guinea pigs! I do have a passing interest in wildlife, and I occasionally Google South American footballers, so I guess the algorithms assume I like South American rodents for some reason!

The blood transfusion service. They moan about shortages but make it difficult to donate.
I tried to register but couldn't use the normal route as I'm over 65 and my last donation was about 15 years ago. I phoned up, sorted the registration and was then told there was only one appointment available in central Manchester in the next day. They sent me an email during the call asking me to verify my email address, but the verification goes through a queue (approx 8 minutes) and by the time I got into the system the verification validity had timed out.
I'll turn up later and see if they still want my armful of A+.

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