Stupid little things that bug you

The local farmer !!

Why on hot days when we have doors and window open does he spread that human shit fertiliser on his fields ?

I was nearly throwing up this morning it's a horrendous smell
I live in a fairly rural area and at this time of year I see plenty of farm vehicles on the road travelling from field to field, they are working, so I am prepared to be patient when stuck in a queue.
However, the Highway Code does state that when a long queue builds up the vehicle should pull over when safe to do so.
I followed a tractor for around 6 miles up quite a steep hill, double white lines all the way up. There were probably 7 or 8 cars in front of me and even more behind. The tractor drive made no attempt to pull over despite there being several opportunities to do so, including a short parking lay-by.
I've been watching a fair bit of cricket this summer and I try to catch the odd MLB game also. I get unreasonably annoyed that commentators refer to a slower ball/pitch as as a "change up". Surely "change down" would be a better term. It seems to be fairly recent as a usage in cricket, did it originate with the yanks and migrate across the Atlantic?
Helen Glover, the Olympic rower, being described first as "mother of three" on the news.
I can't imagine a male athlete ever being described first as a "father of three".
A father of three wouldn't have a massive box that might fill up with water.
My Mrs was on tik tok and she asked who the Rags player was signing autographs I looked it wasn’t a player but someone on social media, his name was Ginger something or other,I’ve seen him on YouTube but why would you want his autograph.
Why does an electrical car need diesel or petrol ;) perhaps I'll start parking in recharge points !
Recently I was trying to get petrol and this woman was parked in between the two bays on her phone chatting away.
No intention of actually filling her car up. Must have nipped in to put £10 on her pay as you go ffs
Recently I was trying to get petrol and this woman was parked in between the two bays on her phone chatting away.
No intention of actually filling her car up. Must have nipped in to put £10 on her pay as you go ffs
literally anyone who does anything apart from filling up with petrol and fucking off, your shopping, your hair, checking yourself in the mirror, fucking about on your phone, it can all wait till you have fucked off from the pump.

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