Stupid little things that bug you

Ignorant. Car/van drivers think they are being helpful to other car/van users by keeping the road clear. They simply don't think about prams, wheelchairs, pedestrians in general, they think they are a good driver because other cars can easily pass. Tossers.
And we have the opposite problem - a nobhead who's just moved into a new build on the main road (with clearly not enough off-street parking) 50 yards from our cul-de-sac has made it his life's work to block the top of our road with his works van EVERY F**KING DAY by NOT using any of the pavement (its not illegal to put 2 wheels on the pavement outside 'special' London) resulting in Amazon/Hermes delivery vans having to swerve around his van into the path of home owners trying to get out of our road!
And we have the opposite problem - a nobhead who's just moved into a new build on the main road (with clearly not enough off-street parking) 50 yards from our cul-de-sac has made it his life's work to block the top of our road with his works van EVERY F**KING DAY by NOT using any of the pavement (its not illegal to put 2 wheels on the pavement outside 'special' London) resulting in Amazon/Hermes delivery vans having to swerve around his van into the path of home owners trying to get out of our road!
But that sounds like he’s doing the right thing. If he’s not causing an obstruction on the road and other vehicles can still pass by. Like I said earlier, pavements are not designed for the heavy vehicles and end up with churned up tarmac or broken and uneven paving slabs. Things we all have to pay for to be repaired.
I watched a 9/11 doco called 4 flights, it was very good but the women narrating all had that horrible vocal fry thing...
My car insurance renewal notice arrived this week. It's increased by 25%. I found a much cheaper alternative with the
same cover from a reputable company for less than I paid last year. In recent years I've had to change my car insurance every year because each time I change I get a decent rate for the first year which is then hugely increased for the second year. What annoyed me most is the fact that when I rang up to cancel the renewal (it would have automatically renewed if i hadn't) I was told they could "do something" about the price if I stayed with them. Then why didn't you offer me the "do something" price in the first place arseholes? Absolute fucking racket.
Had exactly the same issue with Home Insurance.
I never have auto renew (Martin Lewis) just in case the insurers "claim" I didn't cancel.
Renewal increased from £130 to £190. Told them I could get Tesco for £120, insurers came back with £135 but I turned them down for trying to rob me.
twat shop boys headliners @ R2 gig in Preston after Manix blast the bland twatz off the stage, dull dull fkn dull

Just watching the Manics' set on the iPlayer and they are as awesome as ever. Strange how Sean has transformed himself into Seasick Steve as he certainly didn't look like that at Castlefield Bowl a matter of weeks ago!
I like PSB but found their set a tad disappointing. Just played the same songs they've been playing on their tour without any surprises.
But that sounds like he’s doing the right thing. If he’s not causing an obstruction on the road and other vehicles can still pass by. Like I said earlier, pavements are not designed for the heavy vehicles and end up with churned up tarmac or broken and uneven paving slabs. Things we all have to pay for to be repaired.
but he IS causing an obstruction on the road, there is a tight kink at the top and because of how narrow the road is at the top - put it this way a bin wagon / fire engine would struggle to get past - its only a transit van (modern equivalent) so pavement is more than able to stand it. better still park it outside his own bl**dy house or on his own bl**dy drive!

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