Stupid little things that bug you

This thing every **** involved in football is doing of putting their hand over their mouth when talking to another ****, as though they’re discussing some incredible state secret.

To be honest, I can do without the knee slides with the wide open arms, too. Unless it's a really fabulous goal. (I'm a miserable old c**t like that).
I did say I was fully aware of that. My point was that her response to me 'looking' was unreasonable....

I understand you. I really do. You didn't say anything. Quite often at the local supermarket car park, I see all disabled spaces occupied, and I do just wonder… I myself don't mind having to search a bit longer for a space. But there are quite a few people these days who would do anything so as not to have to walk thirty yards, if they can get away with only walking ten.
However, these things are very tricky. Very tricky indeed. If she is genuinely disabled, and it's not visible, she may be well wound up with being constantly challenged on it when she parks on those spaces. To the point where even a look triggers her, especially if it's a stare.
Several times in the past couple of years I have been on the receiving end of foulmouthed abuse from young(ish) women. Last week in Aldi carpark a young lass in an Audi was parking in a disabled spot as I was pushing my trolley past. I didn't deviate from where I was going, but I was looking thinking 'she doesn't look like the typical disabled driver' (and I am very well aware that there is no such thing). Anyway she jumps out of the car looks at me and shouts 'What are you fucking staring at' then 'You got a fucking problem?' The thing that bugs me is they know they will get away with it. If I, as a bloke, said that to another bloke, I don't think I could have any complaints if he smacked me in the gob, but they think they can say what they like and get away with it. AIBU ?

I had an incident recently when I was swimming at my local leisure centre, and a young lady in the adjacent lane shouted "what the fuck are you looking at" as I approached the shallow end.
I tend to concentrate on avoiding collisions in my own lane and look out for anyone faster I should be giving way for. I hadn't even noticed her, and if I had it would have been out of what limited peripheral vision I had out the side of my goggles.
I therefore just shook my head and laughed as I swam off.
Every time I passed her after that, she was just chuntering away.
I'm not sure if she was looking for conflict, had mental health issues, or just took an instant dislike to me, but it did seem weird given that my leisure centre is usually a very sociable place and everyone is usually very tolerant.
Sounds like you are the problem pal. Not all disabilities are visible, it’s none of your business.

He said he wasn't even looking and she fired off on him, how is he the problem? It's his business when some scrote comes out f the woodwork on a mission because of their own insecurities.

He should have told her to fuck off and wind her neck in.
A Busker

I have been working in the centre of Ramsgate now for over a month. I have had to listen to the same busker playing the same six tunes for over a month now, 6 hours aday the same bloody six tunes over and over again on his accordion.
I couldn't sleep last night as ever time I shut my eyes, all my brain was doing was playing the six tunes in my head.

I have to face it again today, I might have to wear ear defender today :( even though my work doesn't need them !
Ask him if he does requests.....
I had an incident recently when I was swimming at my local leisure centre, and a young lady in the adjacent lane shouted "what the fuck are you looking at" as I approached the shallow end.
I tend to concentrate on avoiding collisions in my own lane and look out for anyone faster I should be giving way for. I hadn't even noticed her, and if I had it would have been out of what limited peripheral vision I had out the side of my goggles.
I therefore just shook my head and laughed as I swam off.
Every time I passed her after that, she was just chuntering away.
I'm not sure if she was looking for conflict, had mental health issues, or just took an instant dislike to me, but it did seem weird given that my leisure centre is usually a very sociable place and everyone is usually very tolerant.
Were you nursing an erection at the time.
I had an incident recently when I was swimming at my local leisure centre, and a young lady in the adjacent lane shouted "what the fuck are you looking at" as I approached the shallow end.
I tend to concentrate on avoiding collisions in my own lane and look out for anyone faster I should be giving way for. I hadn't even noticed her, and if I had it would have been out of what limited peripheral vision I had out the side of my goggles.
I therefore just shook my head and laughed as I swam off.
Every time I passed her after that, she was just chuntering away.
I'm not sure if she was looking for conflict, had mental health issues, or just took an instant dislike to me, but it did seem weird given that my leisure centre is usually a very sociable place and everyone is usually very tolerant.
A few years ago I was attending a charity music event with my wife and her brother in law. The place was packed and we had to sit opposite 2 young ladies. After a couple of hours 1 of them said to my brother in law "will you stop looking at my tits". Had to laugh and point out to the young girl that Peter was completely blind.

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