Stupid little things that bug you

My car insurance renewal notice arrived this week. It's increased by 25%. I found a much cheaper alternative with the
same cover from a reputable company for less than I paid last year. In recent years I've had to change my car insurance every year because each time I change I get a decent rate for the first year which is then hugely increased for the second year. What annoyed me most is the fact that when I rang up to cancel the renewal (it would have automatically renewed if i hadn't) I was told they could "do something" about the price if I stayed with them. Then why didn't you offer me the "do something" price in the first place arseholes? Absolute fucking racket.
My renewal came through at £120 more than last year. Fuck that obviously, so went on money supermarket and had a quote for £20 less than the one I had last year. Was thrilled to bits. Went online to tell the current ones not to renew as Id got a better deal and they then quoted me a tenner less than the AA, so £130 less than their original. Grabbed it with both hands obviously, but what a bunch of cunts trying it on in the first place. Loads of people must just take the quote offered for them to chance it.
My renewal came through at £120 more than last year. Fuck that obviously, so went on money supermarket and had a quote for £20 less than the one I had last year. Was thrilled to bits. Went online to tell the current ones not to renew as Id got a better deal and they then quoted me a tenner less than the AA, so £130 less than their original. Grabbed it with both hands obviously, but what a bunch of cunts trying it on in the first place. Loads of people must just take the quote offered for them to chance it.
It was the AA that whacked my premium up by 25% this month.
Several times in the past couple of years I have been on the receiving end of foulmouthed abuse from young(ish) women. Last week in Aldi carpark a young lass in an Audi was parking in a disabled spot as I was pushing my trolley past. I didn't deviate from where I was going, but I was looking thinking 'she doesn't look like the typical disabled driver' (and I am very well aware that there is no such thing). Anyway she jumps out of the car looks at me and shouts 'What are you fucking staring at' then 'You got a fucking problem?' The thing that bugs me is they know they will get away with it. If I, as a bloke, said that to another bloke, I don't think I could have any complaints if he smacked me in the gob, but they think they can say what they like and get away with it. AIBU ?
but he IS causing an obstruction on the road, there is a tight kink at the top and because of how narrow the road is at the top - put it this way a bin wagon / fire engine would struggle to get past - its only a transit van (modern equivalent) so pavement is more than able to stand it. better still park it outside his own bl**dy house or on his own bl**dy drive!
If, by parking on a road, a fire engine cannot get past he is causing an unnecessary obstruction and can he prosecuted. Parking on the pavement is also an offence. The simple solution is park somewhere, on the road, that is safe.
I am sick of drivers thinking it is OK to park on the pavement.
Several times in the past couple of years I have been on the receiving end of foulmouthed abuse from young(ish) women. Last week in Aldi carpark a young lass in an Audi was parking in a disabled spot as I was pushing my trolley past. I didn't deviate from where I was going, but I was looking thinking 'she doesn't look like the typical disabled driver' (and I am very well aware that there is no such thing). Anyway she jumps out of the car looks at me and shouts 'What are you fucking staring at' then 'You got a fucking problem?' The thing that bugs me is they know they will get away with it. If I, as a bloke, said that to another bloke, I don't think I could have any complaints if he smacked me in the gob, but they think they can say what they like and get away with it. AIBU ?
You should have said, “Fuck off you gobby **** before I follow you to your house and burn your whole family to death while they’re sleeping”.
but he IS causing an obstruction on the road, there is a tight kink at the top and because of how narrow the road is at the top - put it this way a bin wagon / fire engine would struggle to get past - its only a transit van (modern equivalent) so pavement is more than able to stand it. better still park it outside his own bl**dy house or on his own bl**dy drive!
Can you draw us a diagram or better still hire a drone for aerial photography.
Several times in the past couple of years I have been on the receiving end of foulmouthed abuse from young(ish) women. Last week in Aldi carpark a young lass in an Audi was parking in a disabled spot as I was pushing my trolley past. I didn't deviate from where I was going, but I was looking thinking 'she doesn't look like the typical disabled driver' (and I am very well aware that there is no such thing). Anyway she jumps out of the car looks at me and shouts 'What are you fucking staring at' then 'You got a fucking problem?' The thing that bugs me is they know they will get away with it. If I, as a bloke, said that to another bloke, I don't think I could have any complaints if he smacked me in the gob, but they think they can say what they like and get away with it. AIBU ?

Sounds like you are the problem pal. Not all disabilities are visible, it’s none of your business.
A Busker

I have been working in the centre of Ramsgate now for over a month. I have had to listen to the same busker playing the same six tunes for over a month now, 6 hours aday the same bloody six tunes over and over again on his accordion.
I couldn't sleep last night as ever time I shut my eyes, all my brain was doing was playing the six tunes in my head.

I have to face it again today, I might have to wear ear defender today :( even though my work doesn't need them !

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