Stupid little things that bug you

Christmas fucking music. Yes I know it's December but we get the same shite year after year. Either get some new Christmas jingles or just play stuff released in December.
Cliffucking Richards - shite.
I'm Dreaming of a Blue Wembley but with the wrong words - shite
I saw mommy (it's mummy not mommy) kissing Santa Claus - shite, it wasn't Santa Claus it was the window cleaner in a red dressing gown.
And others too numerous to mention.
Christmas music…..period
Winter, it can just fuck right off. In summer I never get ill, have a bit of tan, wear shorts and sit in a beer garden. Winter rears its ugly head and I’m suddenly sick as a dog, wearing 48 fucking layers to defrost my car in the morning and ready to crawl into my pit for the next 4 months.

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