What do youwhen people send múltiple messages , just to complete a sentence or ask a question.
For that your getting muted.
What do youwhen people send múltiple messages , just to complete a sentence or ask a question.
For that your getting muted.
Mean ?when people send múltiple messages , just to complete a sentence or ask a question.
For that your getting muted.
Lazy twats who can’t be arsed writing ‘Christmas’ properly.
Miserable bastards, remember a dog isn’t just for ChristmasCunts who bring dogs into the boozer.I’ve come in for quite Xmas pint not to hear your yapping dog .**** .
My girlfriend does, she tootles along too, says she’s never had an accident but I see the devastation she leaves behind, whilst she continues ‘tootling’ along.My lady has one, albeit not a fast one, and she definitely drives too close to the car in front. Irritates me to fuck.
I dont do it but good luck to those who doChristmas