Why is that I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that there is toxic chemicals in that cloud ?That people are allowed to vape in the office at work.
Why is that I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that there is toxic chemicals in that cloud ?That people are allowed to vape in the office at work.
It's not illegal in UK. You to the company to decide policy.Why is that I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that there is toxic chemicals in that cloud ?
All over LinkedIn, usually a picture of two kids holding hands walking into the distance or a kid up against the wall like a police mugshot.Parents who post pics on social media of their kids in uniform holding up signs showing "Year x". Nobody cares! And for that reason, I'm going nowhere near Arsebook tomorrow.
I've seen the same car ads here and overseas with the image reversed so the car is being driven on the left side of the road here and the right side abroad. A giveaway is often the generic number plate that has only letters and numbers that read the same whichever version of the film is used. (e.g. ATH 108/801 HTA).Car ads on the telly that proclaim "car shown not to UK spec". Are you seriously telling me that car companies couldn't afford to film different ads for specific markets?
Lazy bastards who can't be bothered to spell simple words correctly.Fat fuckers who drive to fat club walk and you mite loose a bit of weight