Stupid little things that bug you

Not taking a free kick from the correct spot. The amount of yards that players move the ball forward instead of putting the ball where a foul has taken place or where the offside is given and yet a referee pushes a player back, quite rightly, when gaining yards at a throw in. This really should be looked at.
Or the increasingly widespread tactic of a player on the defending side standing in front of the ball at a free kick instead of retreating 10 yards and the ref doing nothing about it.
Or the increasingly widespread tactic of a player on the defending side standing in front of the ball at a free kick instead of retreating 10 yards and the ref doing nothing about it.
Players that stand in front of a goalkeeper when he's about to kick it. The goalkeeper HAS to be allowed to release the ball. If I were a manager, I'd fine any player who got booked for this. I sort of get it when the keeper first receives the ball to stop a quick counter, but not when the other 20 players seem set and the striker still thinks he should stand there. Pricks.
Ridiculous nicknames given to teams, players and even stadiums on here. It must take more effort to type your witty nickname that only you use than to just type who or what you're referring to. Recent examples - Totspur and the Cheesegrater Stadium.
Not taking a free kick from the correct spot. The amount of yards that players move the ball forward instead of putting the ball where a foul has taken place or where the offside is given and yet a referee pushes a player back, quite rightly, when gaining yards at a throw in. This really should be looked at.
Not to mention players not retreating ten yards.

Edit. Just seen @laserblue saying the same.
Not taking a free kick from the correct spot. The amount of yards that players move the ball forward instead of putting the ball where a foul has taken place or where the offside is given and yet a referee pushes a player back, quite rightly, when gaining yards at a throw in. This really should be looked at.
Or players moving the referee's foam line to where they want....that's cheating no two ways about it in my book!! JMHO
End of build punch lists
Installing goofy home owner chosen pocket door hardware etc
Stickers on brackets and surfaces where they’ll be seen and takes five times as long to clean the glue off than to install the part !!!!!
Oh, let’s not forget cheap screws that come with all the goofy hardware, look at it wrong and the heads strip
Love it when you talk dirty

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