Stupid little things that bug you

My Mrs at traffic lights. Gear in neutral, handbrake on, hands off the steering wheel, feet off the pedals. Waits untill the light has turned to green, foot on clutch, into first, handbrake off, steady as she goes. Half the time she gets a gentle peeping of the horn from the car behind. After 57 years on this planet she aint gonna change so I keep my mouth shut but FUCK ME!
I'll see your Mrs at lights and I'll raise her mine on a country lane. Many a time she's been reduced to tears by the sight of a big green tractor bearing down on her full of sheep or spuds and let me tell you, no farmer in christendom is reversing that for a woman in a car. The problem is, my Mrs can't reverse.....I bite my lip, say fuck all and await the outcome.
tossers on the tram who cough violently without even attempting to cover their mouths.
I'll see your Mrs at lights and I'll raise her mine on a country lane. Many a time she's been reduced to tears by the sight of a big green tractor bearing down on her full of sheep or spuds and let me tell you, no farmer in christendom is reversing that for a woman in a car. The problem is, my Mrs can't reverse.....I bite my lip, say fuck all and await the outcome.
Like me, you've learned to keep your trap shut. You have to enter into a temporary state of zen like calm or you'd turn into a ranting fruitloop.
My Mrs at traffic lights. Gear in neutral, handbrake on, hands off the steering wheel, feet off the pedals. Waits untill the light has turned to green, foot on clutch, into first, handbrake off, steady as she goes. Half the time she gets a gentle peeping of the horn from the car behind. After 57 years on this planet she aint gonna change so I keep my mouth shut but FUCK ME!
Agree with @Bill Walker , so many tear ar$es on the road today. Well done to your wife for keeping things nice and steady.
When driving in traffic and the person driving the car in front is smoking a stinking vape I fucking hate that shit I’d rather smell tobacco

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