Stupid little things that bug you

Twats that insist on exiting the bus via the front doors as folk are trying to get on, dafuq they think the middle doors are there for!

Twats that try barging on train carriage doors whilst others are trying to alight from said doors.
So there you are, standing behind the yellow line, waiting for people to alight from a train, when 3 or 4 people come and stand in front of you, disregarding said line and the fact that people are about to get off the train.
Twats that insist on exiting the bus via the front doors as folk are trying to get on, dafuq they think the middle doors are there for!

Twats that try barging on train carriage doors whilst others are trying to alight from said doors.
That was my pet hate on the tube, trying to exit the carriage whilst some bellend is boarding the train.

Also hate it when people behind you try and exit the plane before you.
When you’re queuing at a till in the supermarket and you’re the next one to be served, you have yet to put any items on the belt when a new cashier opens up and other customers barge in and jump in front of you instead of waiting their turn. It used to be that they would wait and allow you to be served first now it’s every man for himself, selfish attitude that I cannot stand.

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