Sturridge is being paid less at Chelsea than he would've...

From what I've been told is that he couldn't stand Hughes and his team, I was then told he would sign on at Chelsea for less money just to rid of Hughes. I think that i mentioned this a couple of months ago.
Citysmith said:
From what I've been told is that he couldn't stand Hughes and his team, I was then told he would sign on at Chelsea for less money just to rid of Hughes. I think that i mentioned this a couple of months ago.
You've been told wrong then.
johnmc said:
Good post Gstar - agree with everything and the quote from damocles as well. Double standards

Yes but Terry and Etoo have earned the right to ask for the top money theyve played in world cups and champions league finals. I dont think they were screaming for big contracts at only 19 years old with only a handful of 1st team appearances under their belt was they.
K.Reeves right foot said:
auction294 said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
He will play more for them than he would for us, look at the targets we're after and who we've already got, he would be far down the line. Chelsea only have Anelka, Drogba and another young lad, he will get more games there.

.......and then be exposed as a legend in his own mind rather than on the pitch.

His face after he scored the 4th goal v WBA said it all to me......arrogant and no heart in City.......

He had every right to look fucked off after he scored against West Brom he'd just had half the stadium booing him! He is only a kid ffs! Don't blame him in the slightest for the first time in my life i was actually ashamed of City fans.
1dart said:
johnmc said:
Good post Gstar - agree with everything and the quote from damocles as well. Double standards

Yes but Terry and Etoo have earned the right to ask for the top money theyve played in world cups and champions league finals. I dont think they were screaming for big contracts at only 19 years old with only a handful of 1st team appearances under their belt was they.

And theres nothing more than paper to talk to suggest that Strurridge was doing the same, at its peak, Sturridge was 'allegedly' asking for less than 50% (£70k) of Robinho's wage.

Todays its suggested he's on less at Chelsea than the contract we offered him.
1dart said:
johnmc said:
Good post Gstar - agree with everything and the quote from damocles as well. Double standards

Yes but Terry and Etoo have earned the right to ask for the top money theyve played in world cups and champions league finals. I dont think they were screaming for big contracts at only 19 years old with only a handful of 1st team appearances under their belt was they.

Were they at mid table clubs with Champions league clubs enticing them
K.Reeves right foot said:
auction294 said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
He will play more for them than he would for us, look at the targets we're after and who we've already got, he would be far down the line. Chelsea only have Anelka, Drogba and another young lad, he will get more games there.

.......and then be exposed as a legend in his own mind rather than on the pitch.

His face after he scored the 4th goal v WBA said it all to me......arrogant and no heart in City.......

also the ball from ireland to him was hit at a fair pace and si looked reluctant to give it him also si and sturridge did not even acknowledge each other after he scored looked as if si has no time for him
i dunno about all this 'the way he's been treated by the fans is shocking'. it's not been great, but I think the suspicion was always there that he was gonna do the dirty.

and double standards, dunno about that, there are some major differences, not all player transfers are equal. bellamy, who did he owe anything to? barry had paid his dues. given had stuck out the newcastle pantomime for year after year. RSC had been messed about rotten before blackburn let him move.

danny got his education from us, but is leaving before we see the fruits of our labours.

it's one thing moving for money when you are an established player, as shaun did, but as a teenager isn't your first priority to get established and focus on your development? that's normal. what danny's done seems a bit odd, and not just to city fans. people also expect a bit of loyalty from those coming through the ranks. it's blatantly not there in this case. again, it's not the norm. that's largely why he gets stick, not so because he's earning more, but because he seems a bit shallow and short-sighted.

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