Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

We’re going to get tough and fly all those immigrants to Rwanda - that’s how tough we are!!
OK….. we’re going to give the French another £8 mill and they’ll send a couple of gendarmes out for a nice stroll on Bleriot Plage twice a week.
That’s how tough we are!!
We signed up to the 1951 Geneva Convention so we have a legal duty to process asylum claims. A Conservative minister, today, said that nearly all those claiming asylum were simply economic migrants - he lied: 70% of currently processed asylum claims are successful.

We had 48,000 asylum claims, in 2021, while Germany, Spain and France all had more than 100,000. The lies that are spun, and the ease in which those lies are believed, paints us in a very sorry picture indeed.

The government are hiding their ineptitude behind a wall of prejudice that appeals to a large number of our electorate. It is really sad.
We signed up to the 1951 Geneva Convention so we have a legal duty to process asylum claims. A Conservative minister, today, said that nearly all those claiming asylum were simply economic migrants - he lied: 70% of currently processed asylum claims are successful.

We had 48,000 asylum claims, in 2021, while Germany, Spain and France all had more than 100,000. The lies that are spun, and the ease in which those lies are believed, paints us in a very sorry picture indeed.

The government are hiding their ineptitude behind a wall of prejudice that appeals to a large number of our electorate. It is really sad.
To paraphrase;
‘The first casualty of invasion is truth’
Regardless, any government should care about humans risking their lives crossing the channel - many of which women and children

All Goverments should be doing more to secure borders to prevent this from happening
Are you saying that all governments should be securing borders in order to stop people leaving or entering? You do realise that they are the same thing.
Humans will ALWAYS try to make a better life for themselves and their families, either for economic reasons or for safety reasons. While we continue to export more weapons to the Middle East than any other region of the world, we are complicit in creating at least one of those conditions.

I lived and worked in a country that had a net migration population - more people leaving than arriving - and it was a genuine economic concern and resulted in a declining GDP.

What we have done, and continue to do, is fail to invest in the public services that a growing population needs. There are many reasons for this, but those blaming immigration as the reason for not being able to get a GP appointment, a school place, or a place on a housing list really need to look elsewhere and just ask themselves this question: if public services would have been invested in to meet the demands of the population, would you have the same issues that you now have? The simple answer is NO. What the government wants you to do, is to keep seeing the red mist at a dinghy in the channel, so that you cannot see their slight of hand.
What exactly are the French going to do with people they stop from crossing the Channel?

All that time they had the Calais jungle, I wondered why people didn't try and use boats to cross the Channel, same as they crossed from Libya to Lampedusa.

If the Italians can disperse people from that small island to around Italy, you do wonder why we (i.e. this government) can't do better. We just don't do world-beating asylum claims processes, do we?

British exceptionalism again. Exceptionally bad. Deliberately, I guess.

We’re going to get tough and fly all those immigrants to Rwanda - that’s how tough we are!!
OK….. we’re going to give the French another £8 mill and they’ll send a couple of gendarmes out for a nice stroll on Bleriot Plage twice a week.
That’s how tough we are!!

Unless we introduce I.D. cards and at the same time shut down illegal business activities that allow people to avoid paying taxes (the two are connected) this will never ever stop. I am sorry, I meant to stay away from this discussion, but it is really quite simple. The news today is the same old, same old and more money wasted because the pull factors outweigh the push factors and will do so until these two changes are made.

Ironically Nigel Farage is opposed to I.D. cards, so even the most ardent opponent of cross-channel migration can't acknowledge the key things that will stop it! What strange times we are living through.
Unless we introduce I.D. cards and at the same time shut down illegal business activities that allow people to avoid paying taxes (the two are connected) this will never ever stop. I am sorry, I meant to stay away from this discussion, but it is really quite simple. The news today is the same old, same old and more money wasted because the pull factors outweigh the push factors and will do so until these two changes are made.

Ironically Nigel Farage is opposed to I.D. cards, so even the most ardent opponent of cross-channel migration can't acknowledge the key things that will stop it! What strange times we are living through.
Rishi Sunak, Nadhim Zahawi and Jacob Rees-Mogg are all involved in tax avoidance, either personally, through family or in business, so the government is compromised on the issue. Of course, Bermudan based newspapers (who pay nothing to HMRC) would prefer you to focus on dinghies.

A recent report declared that the UK had done more to damage international tax arrangements than any other nation, now being known as the global leader in the facilitation of tax avoidance, yet government ministers will look you in the eye and tell you that there is no alternative to tax rises 'for everyone': they are lying, and 21 trillion pounds hiding in the British territories would be enough to pay for proper public services; to restore a respectful social care system; to build the promised 6,000 new GP surgeries and 40 new hospitals (if they could recruit the staff); and to restore policing numbers. They won't do it because they, their families, and their donors are personally affected.

You are right, the issue is quite simple: uphold the law that we signed up to and stop profiteering by selling weapons to war zones. Open legal routes to claim asylum and process the claims of those already here, in a speedy fashion.
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Was listening on R5Live earlier - Nihal was talking to a lass who with her family is from Kyiv. Having spent months in bomb shelters her eldest is diagnosed with Aspergers and the middle one is depressed and at 8 years old is going grey. She does a YT vlog and through that she was contacted by a follower and Doctor from the USA who put her in touch with a govt refugee program. They are moving to the States where she will be housed, given medical cover and can apply for a local driving license - they will get a small amount of money to help with day to day expenses and will be allowed to get a job ( America has a labour shortage but seems to want to fix it . They are currently in Poland waiting to leave - they are staying in a flat FoC that a complete stranger pending their flights out.

Contrast that with Patels efforts to make it as hard as possible for anyone to come here from Ukraine whilst trying to make it look like the complete opposite. What has Braverman said / done since then? What has Johnson/Patel/Sunak done?

We have been made into a country of duplicitous shysters by this criminal gang who are a shameful Govt elected on a false prospectus which - as we saw from Useless last night they knew was the case.
Was listening on R5Live earlier - Nihal was talking to a lass who with her family is from Kyiv. Having spent months in bomb shelters her eldest is diagnosed with Aspergers and the middle one is depressed and at 8 years old is going grey. She does a YT vlog and through that she was contacted by a follower and Doctor from the USA who put her in touch with a govt refugee program. They are moving to the States where she will be housed, given medical cover and can apply for a local driving license - they will get a small amount of money to help with day to day expenses and will be allowed to get a job ( America has a labour shortage but seems to want to fix it . They are currently in Poland waiting to leave - they are staying in a flat FoC that a complete stranger pending their flights out.

Contrast that with Patels efforts to make it as hard as possible for anyone to come here from Ukraine whilst trying to make it look like the complete opposite. What has Braverman said / done since then? What has Johnson/Patel/Sunak done?

We have been made into a country of duplicitous shysters by this criminal gang who are a shameful Govt elected on a false prospectus which - as we saw from Useless last night they knew was the case.
Yep, with our government it's all about headlines and nothing about actually doing the right thing. I'm sure @Didsbury Dave will confirm that once a Ukrainian family has been temporarily placed in the UK they're dropped like a hot potato because doing a job properly actually needs some planning and investment - something this government does not want to get involved in.

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