Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

No trolling from me. Where is the evidence of these drastic effects that asylum seekers have? From what I can see there is a marginal increase in property crime presumably because unprocessed asylum seekers are not allowed to work so they are likely to be more desperate. Conversely economic migrants that are allowed to work cause a marginal decrease in property crime. Leaving the EU and the cost of living crisis have had a much bigger impact on investment and companies shutting up shop. In fact the effect of asylum seekers is negligible in the scheme of things and barely measurable. If the government got their shit together and promptly processed their applications, those given permission to stay would be beneficial to the economy and those refused permission could be deported without us having to pay fortunes in accommodating them.
There is an issue in this country with the concept of work. Economic migrants came here first to fill a gap in the market, and it worked. Fast forward and it's been a way to pay low wages for labour. Low wages lead to poverty, most low wage jobs tend to go hand in hand with the populus of an area, which in turn brings the value of everything down. It involves immigration. The continued influx, which now is out of control, will only make this worse. There is more crime in these areas. It has been an issue for a long time, but is now getting unsustainable.

As for leaving the EU that's another thing entirely for another conversation.

Have you seen the narrative on deportation? There are so many people not involved, not living in the areas it affects, happy to virtue signal and it's a powerful thing. And its helping nobody.
Yep, with our government it's all about headlines and nothing about actually doing the right thing. I'm sure @Didsbury Dave will confirm that once a Ukrainian family has been temporarily placed in the UK they're dropped like a hot potato because doing a job properly actually needs some planning and investment - something this government does not want to get involved in.
Yep. It’s been basically left to us to find them a house when nobody wants to rent to them and they have little money. We have to be guarantors, front up the deposit, collect belongings for the house etc. our friends and family have been generous but the government have just abandoned us to it, in the middle of an uncertain financial time for everyone.

They were happy to tell us all to take refugees in to make Johnson look good but there was no system in place and no aftercare or help. A government playing musical chairs, power games and financial roulette whilst nothing of any substance gets thought out or done and no accountability exists.
There is an issue in this country with the concept of work. Economic migrants came here first to fill a gap in the market, and it worked. Fast forward and it's been a way to pay low wages for labour. Low wages lead to poverty, most low wage jobs tend to go hand in hand with the populus of an area, which in turn brings the value of everything down. It involves immigration. The continued influx, which now is out of control, will only make this worse. There is more crime in these areas. It has been an issue for a long time, but is now getting unsustainable.

As for leaving the EU that's another thing entirely for another conversation.

Have you seen the narrative on deportation? There are so many people not involved, not living in the areas it affects, happy to virtue signal and it's a powerful thing. And its helping nobody.
We are desperately short of workers in quite a few sectors of the economy and the ending of freedom of movement and the delays in the processing of immigrants / asylum seekers have exacerbated the situation. Leaving the EU is inextricably linked with these self inflicted problems. Just saying that too many immigrants is causing major problems ignores all the other issues that contribute to the situation. In my opinion it’s not necessarily the overall number that’s the problem, it’s more how the home office deals with it. It’s in the government’s interest to scapegoat asylum seekers to create a culture war to distract people from the very real issues caused by their inept handling of the economy.
Absolutely. The amount of people coming in is unsustainable. You only have to look at the slow down of application processes and the number in camps and centres. On a side note, it's the majority of people who have to suffer the fallout of this globalist agenda.
Genuine question because I don't know but is the slow down in processing applications purely due to the increased number that need processing? Has there been an increase in resources to meet the demand, or even a decrease while demand has been rising? Surely in our interests to put whatever resources are needed into processing applications quickly and integrating the successful ones and turning the rest around.
We are desperately short of workers in quite a few sectors of the economy and the ending of freedom of movement and the delays in the processing of immigrants / asylum seekers have exacerbated the situation. Leaving the EU is inextricably linked with these self inflicted problems. Just saying that too many immigrants is causing major problems ignores all the other issues that contribute to the situation. In my opinion it’s not necessarily the overall number that’s the problem, it’s more how the home office deals with it. It’s in the government’s interest to scapegoat asylum seekers to create a culture war to distract people from the very real issues caused by their inept handling of the economy.
So the steady upturn in immigration since we have left the European Union has had a detrimental effect on the job market? And, not to be rude, but your last paragraph is patronising. Come to think of it.. so is the rest. Can people who've come in since not fill these positions?

Most people really aren't racist. It may be surprising to hear that, towns and city's all over the country have seen a low wage economy because of of unfettered immigration, which is why they voted to leave the EU. For it to increase and for you to say what you are saying.. no disrespect, your opinion is as valid as mine.

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