Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Because periodically the authorities would inspect suspicious businesses and if it is found that employees are working illegally (no I.D. card or fake I.D. card) the business is shut down.


It is a clear pull-factor motivating the cross-channel boats and it should be addressed. All this 'invasion of privacy' stuff is just a smoke-screen. It saddens me that even Nigel Farage is opposed to I.D. cards, he should just shut up about the dinghy issue whilst he remains wedded to that belief.
Getting silly now.

Perhaps we could employ asylum seekers to raid businesses, looking for asylum seekers. After all, we wouldn't have people in hotels if we had enough people handling asylum applications.
Getting silly now.

Perhaps we could employ asylum seekers to raid businesses, looking for asylum seekers. After all, we wouldn't have people in hotels if we had enough people handling asylum applications.

And if we didn't have so many so-called asylum seekers here because we had pushed the boats back or disuaded them from coming by flying planes to Rwanda, we wouldn't need numerous civil servants to handle their applications, would we?
How to be a Tory Minister.

1. Talk tough. Promise easy and swift simple solutions to complex problems. Make sure all the bigots and fascists think you should be PM.

2. Be fucking useless at actually doing anything.

3. Deflect blame for your fucking uselessness by blaming Lefties, the ECHR, the EU, Judges, Civil Servants, Wokeism, the World Economic Forum, Digital Currency, Freemasons, Walt Disney, Jews. (Oh, sorry delete the last one, that's still in reserve.) Say everyone is a Leftie, even though obviously they aren't. Even claim that half your own political party, all chosen by Conservative Associations and signed up to Johnson's agenda, are Lefties that are stopping you from doing stuff.
…so-called asylum seekers…
What follows is something I found on Albanian asylum seekers. Make of it what you will.

‘Claim: Arriving on a small boat means you’re an illegal migrant, not a real refugee​

Those fleeing for their lives will seek any means to obtain safety. For Albanian nationals fleeing persecution there are minimal “safe and legal routes” to claim asylum. There is no such thing as a “visa” that will allow you to seek asylum in the UK. Many Albanian refugees are fleeing individuals involved in trafficking and organised crime across Europe. Albanian nationals have freedom of movement across the Schengen zone and so Albanian nationals fear that their persecutors will be able to locate them easily within that zone. In the absence of any safe and legal route to enter the UK to claim asylum, Albanian nationals have limited options to seek safety.

As to whether boat arrivals are committing a criminal offence through their entry, Home Office guidance on irregular or unlawful entry and arrival in the UK updated on 8 July 2022[20] clarifies that people who are intercepted at sea and are brought or escorted to a port are considered to be arriving passengers and not illegal entrants. However, this guidance does not consider the new offences and other changes made by the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 so the position is still not entirely clear. It is important to note however the important principle enshrined in Article 31 of the Refugee Convention and recognised in UK law, that refugees should not be penalised for their mode of entry as long as they present to the authorities without delay and make an asylum claim as soon as possible. There may be arguments to be made around this, and, as Colin Yeo, barrister at Garden Court Chambers notes, if the person is a refugee or victim of trafficking or modern slavery there will likely be compelling public interest reasons against prosecution.’

And if we didn't have so many so-called asylum seekers here because we had pushed the boats back or disuaded them from coming by flying planes to Rwanda, we wouldn't need numerous civil servants to handle their applications, would we?
I would be more concerned about the ineptitude of our so-called government than any so-called asylum seekers.
It's easy to take the moral high-ground, by posting something like that, but what do you suggest to solve it: open borders?

Anyone from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and anywhere in Africa can up-sticks and move to Europe, many aiming to get to the UK, is that your solution?
What is wrong with taking the moral high ground, it is much better than taking the low ground.
It's easy to take the moral high-ground, by posting something like that, but what do you suggest to solve it: open borders?

Anyone from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and anywhere in Africa can up-sticks and move to Europe, many aiming to get to the UK, is that your solution?
Don’t think that’s anyones solution, though if it is it’s still a better one than yours.

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