Sunderland post match thread

Theengelbert said:
How on earth we haven't walked the league this season with this squad i'll never know.. Games like this, Cardiff, villa, the draw at arsenal and not being able to hold on against the dippers is going to eat away at me

Stoke, Southampton, Sunderland x 2, Norwich, Cardiff, Villa,..............4 points out of 21.............incredible.
Re: Martin Atkinson

Sorry, still very pissed off this morning. Shouldn't be snapping at people.

Mods - feel free to merge.
I purposely stayed off here last night as I knew it would be full of people posting knee jerk shit.

You do have to wonder if our team lacks the bottle when it counts though. The FA cup final performance against Wigan last year was disgraceful really, we showed no desire at all when it counted, players should be playing out of their skin in a cup final game. Last night was a must win game & again most of the players didn't really look that arsed, when they should be giving it everything to get across the line, when we had a great chance of winning the league. There have been other similar occasions. I know we are ravaged by injuries at the moment but it makes me wonder about the mentality of the players & if they really have the desire to be winners. I can take getting beat, I have seen enough of it over the years, but to serve up these gutless performances when it really matters is quite disheartening.

I thought some of the crowd were really poor last night too, as soon as Sunderland went ahead, a load just got straight up and left, they only want to be there when we look like winning, I hope people like that missed the end of the QPR game. Also the people who booed at the end were a disgrace too IMO.
Re: Martin Atkinson

strongbowholic said:
I've slept on this but having got up, I still feel the same way...

I thought he was the best defender on the pitch last night.

The way he managed to break down so many of our attacks, why he made the great Bobby Moore look like Alan Kernaghan. The subtly of his cheating by blowing for the most innocuous looking challenges made him a real credit to his profession and he must be very proud this morning.

That was some level of blatant cheating last night. I thought Brown's assault on Aguero (from where I was stood) warranted a red but I thought "nah, he'll only get a yellow from this twat" and wow, not even a free kick!

Yet another on the long list of luminaries who should not be allowed near a fucking whistle.

Out and out cheat.

I was left screaming obscenities at this twat last night and likewise being in the CB3 last night,where the Brown incident on Sergio could clearly be seen as a straight red.
Don`t know who was worse him or Jimmy but in the cold light of day I certainly would not blame Atkinson for our defeat.
I would put that down to most players not having the bottle for a good old fashioned fight,something which Sunderland showed in abundance.
BlueTaylor91 said:
There are some happy rags at my workplace this morning after last night
Well, just ask the twats if they'd like to swap league places with us.
Each and every one of their games means next to fuck all.
I couldn't believe it last night. I was alarmed to see that Silva was not in the team but we were up against a team which had 1 point from the last 8 games and our team was far too good for that opposition. One up after 2 minutes. I thumped the air and sat back to enjoy it...but I didn't enjoy it. We were hopeless. None of the ingredients that make even a half decent team were to be seen in our play. And yet even as we went into stoppage time I felt confident we would get a winning goal. But what I saw was a "passing" team keep giving the ball to Joe Hart so that he could welly it upfield. Every time Sunderland got the header and laid it off to a team mate in acres of space. We never had a sight of goal and it was Sunderland - the worst team in the PL - who kept going forard, even their CBs to try and get a winner. We were hopeless.
This strongest squad in the league idea is a myth.
We have overpaid for average players who lack ability or attitude or BOTH.
A combined fee of £60M for Garcia, Kolarov & Dzeko is frankly embarassing.

Someone posted that performance last night reminded them of the Wigan final- at the stadium i was thinking exactly the same. The players excuse last season was Mancini's abrasiveness, whats the excuse this season? A few of them they need to take a serious look at themselves, not that they will whilst driving home in their Ferraris to their model wives, they are detached from reality.

Sunderland just like Wigan (twice) wanted it more, we lack the heart for a fight.
As blues we try to give the players every reason for these performances- tiredness, injuries etc

For me it is simple they are overpaid & lack the hunger & fight to be at a top club.

I would like to add that it is not all the players we do have a quality core & with the right outs/ins in the summer we can turn it around, but i have a horrible feeling we will get rid of the workers & quality & keep the ones not up to it.

This is NOT a knee jerk reaction after a bad night i have been thinking like this for over a year but hoped i was wrong........
Juan King said:
I purposely stayed off here last night as I knew it would be full of people posting knee jerk shit.

You do have to wonder if our team lacks the bottle when it counts though. The FA cup final performance against Wigan last year was disgraceful really, we showed no desire at all when it counted, players should be playing out of their skin in a cup final game. Last night was a must win game & again most of the players didn't really look that arsed, when they should be giving it everything to get across the line, when we had a great chance of winning the league. There have been other similar occasions. I know we are ravaged by injuries at the moment but it makes me wonder about the mentality of the players & if they really have the desire to be winners. I can take getting beat, I have seen enough of it over the years, but to serve up these gutless performances when it really matters is quite disheartening.

I thought some of the crowd were really poor last night too, as soon as Sunderland went ahead, a load just got straight up and left, they only want to be there when we look like winning, I hope people like that missed the end of the QPR game. Also the people who booed at the end were a disgrace too IMO.

Agreed. This sums up my feelings. There is a lack of character and desire in some of the players. We are a fantastic team to watch at times but can we get over the line in the key matches? Injuries have been a huge factor this year but the players on the field last night did not work hard enough. I agree about our fans as well. Most of them are fantastic but some of the JCLs haven't got the stomach for a fight.
Weve blown it. Neither the players or the fans showed the desire to win last night. We knew it would be awkward against a team who for some mystical reason we always struggle against. We have to match work rate first then rely on our better players to deliver. Without the first bit the second bits a tall order. As fans we dont deserve it , sorry some fans dont deserve it. The club asked us to bring flags etc and to "bring your singing voices."The response was hardly any "colour" or volume from the crowd despite a quick goal to calm the nerves. At kick off it was only 3/4 full.Where were you all?When Sunderland scored the 2nd hundreds spat their dummies out and bolted(82mins). Piss poor. So what now? Blood a couple of the kids who will inject more energy,Lopez and another. Maybe now its over and it is dont be naive, our support can relax and vocally get behind the team once more.The decision to ramp up the prices for WBA and Villa will now bite em on the arse. Good im disgusted with the club for this. The whole ticketing situation needs sorting despite sold out signs last night it clearly wasnt. Are they holding seats back for some reason then not shifting them? Its a bizzare situation even allowing for no shows there was a thousand seats at least empty last night. Disappointed but already looking forward to next season,Cmon the Blues.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Theengelbert said:
How on earth we haven't walked the league this season with this squad i'll never know.. Games like this, Cardiff, villa, the draw at arsenal and not being able to hold on against the dippers is going to eat away at me

Stoke, Southampton, Sunderland x 2, Norwich, Cardiff, Villa,..............4 points out of 21.............incredible.

This is exactly why we seem to have blown it.
Shit performance though it was last night Nasri still should have got us the 3 points .
We seem to have this just turn up and we will win attitude against the so called lesser teams and that to me is what needs addressing .

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