Supporters Club tickets

I still qualified for Burnley, but I'm only going because it's on a Friday night, and being a local cricket umpire, I probably wouldn't have attended if it was a Saturday fixture.

Ironically, given all the stick they receive, it was only last season when I first joined a local Supporters Club (Cheadle), and if I'm totally honest, it's given me a new enthusiasm for the long journeys, especially when discovering that I'm not the only one who can recite the 76-77 season in correct fixture order, but can't even remember some of the results from this year.

I also attended all 13 European fixtures, but that's something I definitely won't do next season.

However, I'm not going to indulge in a bitter rant about JCLs or 18-25s obtaining tickets.

Last Friday, I was at Edgeley Park with my Blackburn-supporting mate, and I was showing him where I'd sat on that dreadful afternoon in 1997.
I was also at Macclesfield, Lincoln and York, but how can I hold it against our younger supporters when most of them weren't even born?

They'll never see what I've seen, but having stood on the old cinder terrace at Barnsley for a LC defeat in 1981, that's probably not a bad thing.

As the song goes:
Maybe in another generation
When other lads have come to take our place
Counts for nowt if you're an early leaver though ;-)
The 18 to 25 year olds needs monitoring, already I am seeing on facebook got a Sheffield Utd want to swap for a Burnley, this on the back of numerous times last season individuals in the age bracket having numerous spares, while others cannot get close to a ticket
The 18 to 25 year olds needs monitoring, already I am seeing on facebook got a Sheffield Utd want to swap for a Burnley, this on the back of numerous times last season individuals in the age bracket having numerous spares, while others cannot get close to a ticket
Lets be honest they are only doing what all other different groups of qualifying supporters do except they are advertising it.As long as they are going to blues at face value I am ok with it.However I do sympathise as our ticket criteria and system will never suit everyone.I have 40yrs of watching City 21000 points and its tv for me unless you have a spare for Burnley ;)
The 18 to 25 year olds needs monitoring, already I am seeing on facebook got a Sheffield Utd want to swap for a Burnley, this on the back of numerous times last season individuals in the age bracket having numerous spares, while others cannot get close to a ticket

What’s the issue with someone wanting to swap a Sheffield United for a Burnley?

Maybe more of his mates got Burnley and he thinks it will be a better laugh?
Maybe buying a ticket he doesn't want, denying someone who does, pretty simple

He’d probably have liked both in an ideal world. But if he got one of the two and would prefer the other way round if he had to choose, don’t see the problem.
utd about 10 years ago targeted there regular awayers. They introduced a scheme that gave them some protection and called it 'loyalty pot'. Basically they identified the top 1k fans who went away - did this on purchase h/o. The criteria was that they had to have gone to / applied for a tik for every away game since 2001 season. They set new criteria; the protected had to continue to apply to attend every away game, with a small percent (10%) picking up in destination. If they didn pic up, they lost a life. Lose 2 lifes and you leave the pot. Similarly if you didnt apply, you lost a life....2 lifes and you out. Not sure if you started with 2 new lifes the next season or you only got 2 lives full stop??
As of about 5 years ago the pot was down to about 600 and they then introduced a ballot.... 87% chance of getting a tik....not bad odds. However, when they 1st introduced the scheme, the 1k were guaranteed a away tik, and then with less in the loyalty pot - they put a ballot in place. The overall plan i think was to get rid of the legacy away fan.
I dont have a clue if they still do this or whether the legacy loyalty pot has gone...inevitable it will go, if not already. The good thing utd did was print a list of how many had applied and how many tiks were distributed - they did this for all away tiks issued, not just loyalty pot.

Personally, id keep the current system, but reduce the corporate allocation (that wont happen). City should start to publish data on where the tiks have been allocated to (eg point holders got 1200 out of 3k, 18-25 got etc etc). As a OSC member, i also think the OSC should equally publish there ticket distribution

(Obviously as a high point / legacy fan i would wont to keep the current system the same!!!!)
utd about 10 years ago targeted there regular awayers. They introduced a scheme that gave them some protection and called it 'loyalty pot'. Basically they identified the top 1k fans who went away - did this on purchase h/o. The criteria was that they had to have gone to / applied for a tik for every away game since 2001 season. They set new criteria; the protected had to continue to apply to attend every away game, with a small percent (10%) picking up in destination. If they didn pic up, they lost a life. Lose 2 lifes and you leave the pot. Similarly if you didnt apply, you lost a life....2 lifes and you out. Not sure if you started with 2 new lifes the next season or you only got 2 lives full stop??
As of about 5 years ago the pot was down to about 600 and they then introduced a ballot.... 87% chance of getting a tik....not bad odds. However, when they 1st introduced the scheme, the 1k were guaranteed a away tik, and then with less in the loyalty pot - they put a ballot in place. The overall plan i think was to get rid of the legacy away fan.
I dont have a clue if they still do this or whether the legacy loyalty pot has gone...inevitable it will go, if not already. The good thing utd did was print a list of how many had applied and how many tiks were distributed - they did this for all away tiks issued, not just loyalty pot.

Personally, id keep the current system, but reduce the corporate allocation (that wont happen). City should start to publish data on where the tiks have been allocated to (eg point holders got 1200 out of 3k, 18-25 got etc etc). As a OSC member, i also think the OSC should equally publish there ticket distribution

(Obviously as a high point / legacy fan i would wont to keep the current system the same!!!!)
The thing is that the current system can be made fair. It just takes City to actually give a toss and set in place a system whereas the tickets are going as far down the ladder as they can.

Them doing nothing is making it harder and harder for those that have a very healthy history of going to support City all over the place. With each passing season, more and more of our more loyal support are seeing their points become less valuable, even when attending as many games as you can.

I don't believe that the system should be as ruthless as you miss a game or don't apply then you're out because it shouldn't be compulsory for supporters to have to go to every away game but those that have chosen to do so for a very long time should, without a doubt be protected.

It's far easier to want to go and watch City nowadays than it was 15 years or more ago and the supporters who've got a history of support regardless of any success should be rewarded.

Looking at a supporters purchase history however might not paint the true picture.

Police the current system and they'll go a lot further down the ladder. Prevent the hoarding of tickets using multiple seasoncards with high points that get passed on to mates, friends or even sold on at a profit and reduce the amount that go to corporates/sponsors and club staff. Have a small amount go to ballot so every City fan that wants to experience supporting at any away ground has at least a small chance with the OSC allocation being put in said ballot.

We saw with the Celtic game how much further they can go down the ladder if the system is policed.

I'm not bashing the OSC either before anyone has a pop. I just don't see why someone on 15k points who's in an OSC has more of a chance to get to away games than someone on 15k (or more) that's not.

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