Swansea v City In Match Discussion Thread

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dancity19 said:
adrianr said:
LoveCity said:
If anyone has ever needed clear proof right there in front of your eyes of agenda-driven referees, you just saw it. Deny that.

100 fucking percent. What the twat was that all about!?!

Penalty against spurs in the 95th min, yep, real agenda.

It was that blatant there was no way it could not be given.

Anyway, need to raise our game big time second half.
pudge said:
andrewmswift said:
was the pen a dive?
I thought so when i first saw it

He jumped over Hart before there was contact, however had he not jumped he would have ran into Hart and won the penalty anyway. Just made sure he won it, sure our players would have done the same.

Can see AJ snatching a winner from the bench for us!
To play devils advocate for a minute, if times up then times up, regardless of where the ball is.
Quite a poor first half. Swansea have had plenty of ball but not really done anything. We were coming good that last 10 mins or so. A good change by Mancini i think. Barry didn't look too chuffed tho!
Never seen half-time wistle blown in such position....EVER. Oh my God.

Great player and all - but based on last 4-5 appearances Aguero needs to up his game...he has been invisible lately. Make yourself available Kun, make yourself available...where are you?
Hardly ever post in the matchday thread, and I've always disagreed with the conspiracy theories, but Mason has been fucking awful today. Mario's had absolutely no protection at all, and although Routledge conned him for the pen he couldn't blow quick enough.

Fair play to the Swans, though, till Roberto made his tactical change they were hammering us (edit: in terms of possession). Think we have just enough to see them off in the second half, but it'll be no thanks to the ref.
Fuck all this 'cheat' shit we were outplayed for that full half. Nasri isnt suited to this type of game cos he's not a grafter and doesnt roll up his sleeves. He also shits out of tackles all day long. We've 'stood off' way to much in midfield and not had enough up top to pressure their defenders who like to play out from the back.

Bringing Aguero on was a good move but but shoulda been for nasri. Give Swansea less to time to settle at the back.

We need to get a fuckin grip and impose ourselves. Been 2nd to everything, every loose ball etc.

Any chances we get we have to take. A sneaky snidey 1-0 will be immense here.
mcfcdjr said:
dancity19 said:
adrianr said:
100 fucking percent. What the twat was that all about!?!

Penalty against spurs in the 95th min, yep, real agenda.

That was stonewall though if that hadn't been given there would have been f*cking riots !!

True, but imagine if that was against us, and we thought the player who won and scored the pen should have been sent off. Whilst some refs are appalling, there is not an agenda.
Theres not a cat in hells chance that swansea are maintaining that tempo and chasing everything down like blue arsed flies for 90 minutes. Bide your time blues, if we can contain them for another 20 minutes we'll get out chances.
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