Swansea v City In Match Discussion Thread

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On liveonlinefooty, why do they always start fucking about with the menus when the feed is fine? I know it's only half time, but it's usually a sign of things to come.
MCFC BOB said:
Does anyone else remember the last time we were poor for 30 minutes, grew slowly into the game and had a series of corners just before HT?

Is this is a quiz? I honestly don't Bob. What are you referencing?
Blue Haze said:
LoveCity said:
If anyone has ever needed clear proof right there in front of your eyes of agenda-driven referees, you just saw it. Deny that.

Exactly. When have you ever seen the whistle blow when the ball is being struck in the center of the box?
When times is up. Outside of being partial against fouls on Balotelli, he has been decent.
alky313 said:
MCFC BOB said:
Does anyone else remember the last time we were poor for 30 minutes, grew slowly into the game and had a series of corners just before HT?

Is this is a quiz? I honestly don't Bob. What are you referencing?

Wembley SF last year?
dancity19 said:
mcfcdjr said:
dancity19 said:
Penalty against spurs in the 95th min, yep, real agenda.

That was stonewall though if that hadn't been given there would have been f*cking riots !!

True, but imagine if that was against us, and we thought the player who won and scored the pen should have been sent off. Whilst some refs are appalling, there is not an agenda.

he shouldn't have been bent off or banned for getting pushed by modric
Dez said:
fuckin **** ref if I ever fucking see him I'm going to slit is fucking throat. Fat **** piece of shit

Call me old fashioned but I'm getting the impression you don't rate the ref, shall I send a link for nearly all the posters here for a dose of REALITY, we are playing rubbish, they have been the far better team so far, there is no bias against us, you are all childish immature bad losers, grow up and watch the game properly, stop panicking. it's still only 0.0 we will still go on and win this game.
To the ref "OMG REF BLEW WHISTLE!" people:

We had 46 prior minutes to score before this incident. Instead of blaming the ref for fairly blowing the whistle when time has ended, blame the team for taking 46 minutes to create a decent scoring opportunity.
We need to up the tempo of our play in the second half. Too slow getting the ball moving about. From corners put it in the box and we will score a goal from 1 of them. Thats were they are struggling defending set pieces. Think Dzeko in the second half might case them a lot of problems if we get the service to him. We need to change it up if we want to keep the gap on the Rags.
nem said:
alky313 said:
MCFC BOB said:
Does anyone else remember the last time we were poor for 30 minutes, grew slowly into the game and had a series of corners just before HT?

Is this is a quiz? I honestly don't Bob. What are you referencing?

Wembley SF last year?
Correct. And we all know what happened next.
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