
I dont know why they brought him back. He's a bit weird sometimes, he's just not that good as a pundit.

Demonstrates the low standards of talk sport.

I don't drink drive BUT if I did and was caught and convicted then I would lose my current job and would struggle to find employment in my expertise again.
Jack...Mate, apologies, i get a bit excitable when i hear any support for any right wing c**nts on a Manchester (City) site, ignore me... i just think the trickle down economics that Jordan spouts is bollocks and people like him pretend its the only way a society could operates when in reality its a pretty failed social system. School kids in Manchester should be taught why Marx and Engels were so heavily influenced by what they saw in Manchester, Capitalism serves the very few,,,....and often lucky ones at that, (who your parents are, what school you went to, who's form master fondled who......Jordan may have done well for himself (but imagine listening to someone telling you that over a pint FFS!! but to me comes across as bit clueless and lucky (and probably a bit of a Walter Mitty) but pretends to be an authority on all things 'business like' but when you analyse what he says in reality he just tries to shoe horn more that two syllable words in to try and convince himself that he's bright..... i would avoid him like the plague if i ever saw him in the vault of my local (and i have met him before and so this feeling is substantiated).....but each to their own
His business acumen wasn't that great, he was just lucky enough to be in a position to take advantage of the mobile phone market when it first started to take off.
You can spout bollocks and be believed (for a while anyway) as long as you can speak the Kings' English and with authority.
Just shows how the media can brain wash people into believing their subjective agenda’s against City, even their own are being fooled.

Yesterday Andy Brassell who is a self appointed European Expert (and a terrible judge of players quite a lot of the time) was on the Hawksbye and Jacobs show.

They were discussing the Dippers loss of form, Brassell actually said something along the lines of, Dippers have done really well in keeping up with City this past few years and a blip like this is expected with the pressure they’ve coped with, after all City are a State backed Club whereas the Dippers have to earn the money they spend. What a complete tosser.
I really don’t like Puerto Banus or Marbella, lots of pretentious wankers and brass. Calle de Mijas is a far better resort.
Who doesn’t like pretentious wankers and brass?. I’ll tell you who, old people who go to Calle de Mijas that’s who!!

Calling Jordan seems fine on here , look at the state of you lot it’s proper embarrassing , some of you lot have nothing better to do slag Hinchcliffe ( 5 1 ) , Richards motm in the 6 1 and Jordan who miles more intelligent than all ov you , proper sad
Jordan obvs has experiences to share, sometimes insight even. But hes an awful person imo. Everything he says has him and his skills and why he is brilliant at the bottom of it. Nearly everything. He's always right too, never admits he was wrong on anything.

I dont know if you've spent time with people like that but they are excrutiatingly unpleasant to be with or around. (Unless you admire their wealth and persona which is fair enough). He does call out the knobs though, and when his pov agrees with mine I admire his bravery in that, maybe welcome instead of admire. But ultimatelty he's one of life dickheads, up his own arse, thinks the plebs are scum cos they didnt get to where he is :)

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