Tevez [Merged]

Something's deffo happening at owed trafford it's too quiet, not just regarding Tevez but tranny last year it was a verbal war between the rags and madrid played out in public.

Now so far this perez has mentioned of his desire to sign tranny again via ssn and we have not heard a peep from the evil empire, I reckon he's offski and i also reckon tevez and kia know this hence the waiting plus its the internationals.

That's my theory anyhow, wrong or right theirs not long to go in this one!
tomhawley said:
bugsyblue said:
Apologises if this has already been posted but it's interesting seeing reports that Ronaldo is having a medical tomorrow with Real. I think if he goes then United will definitely keep Tevez! And personally I think that's what the delay is all about. If Ronaldo goes I beleive they have given Tevez reassurances he will start the majority of prem matches, hence why he's waiting. On the plus side though he might get annoyed playing second fiddle and move to us.

Also I think Barca have played us with Eto'o. I think they always wanted a deal with Inter and raised Eto'o's profile and value so they could get a better swap deal for Ibra whats his face!

I hope we pull out a bid for Pato or Augero though. Either of them would be amazing!

ronaldo isnt having a medical with real tommorow

he is in america if im not mistaken, and i think real madrid might just have mentioned it, they are not the discreet sort

Yes it`s only the press but <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1192045/Real-Madrid-send-doctor-check-Cristiano-Ronaldo-Perez-caves-75m-fee-sign-Manchester-United-star.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... -star.html</a>
The Fixer said:
Something's deffo happening at owed trafford it's too quiet, not just regarding Tevez but tranny last year it was a verbal war between the rags and madrid played out in public.

Now so far this perez has mentioned of his desire to sign tranny again via ssn and we have not heard a peep from the evil empire, I reckon he's offski and i also reckon tevez and kia know this hence the waiting plus its the internationals.

That's my theory anyhow, wrong or right theirs not long to go in this one!

All day everyone's been saying this! It's so quiet because the international games are on, the players are all away.

And also ffs, this theory about Ronaldo going and them keeping Tevez is spot on, it's obvious and it all fits, and I'm pissed off about it. Why oh why did Perez have to rejoin Madrid with 250 million now? Without them splashing that cash around, we'd be able to get one or two big names in as we could be a key player on the "merry go round" of cash shifting around Europe. Now no one depends on us. Milan have already turned to Madrid and now Valencia will do so as well. Madrid take Ronaldo from the rags so they can keep hold of Tevez. It's shit but we'd better get used to it. I seriously doubt that there will be any superstar signings now.
Dobsy87 said:
The Fixer said:
Something's deffo happening at owed trafford it's too quiet, not just regarding Tevez but tranny last year it was a verbal war between the rags and madrid played out in public.

Now so far this perez has mentioned of his desire to sign tranny again via ssn and we have not heard a peep from the evil empire, I reckon he's offski and i also reckon tevez and kia know this hence the waiting plus its the internationals.

That's my theory anyhow, wrong or right theirs not long to go in this one!

All day everyone's been saying this! It's so quiet because the international games are on, the players are all away.

Yea i did mention the internationals! on another point just been thinking my intial theory could be bollocks i reckon rags will sell tranny they get 50 mill plus huntelaar and robben plus they will get valencia so no need 4 tevez.
will we wont we?

i typed in mcfc tevez in google and saw no negative stuff so at least for the moment it still looks good

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.eyefootball.com/news/8620/Carlos-Tevez-to-Man-City/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.eyefootball.com/news/8620/Ca ... -Man-City/</a>
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Tell The King said:
I'm not convinced we're going to sign him now. I think something has gone wrong.
I understand your feeling, reminds me of the Kaka deal, everything looked great and then news stopped and then we lost out.


it was obvious from the end of last week that in all probability no final decision would be made until the internationals were out of the way.

this is by far the most likely explanation for the lack of news.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Tell The King said:
I'm not convinced we're going to sign him now. I think something has gone wrong.
I understand your feeling, reminds me of the Kaka deal, everything looked great and then news stopped and then we lost out.
Definitely. For me, what looks wrong is that for a couple of days all you could hear from ITK's was 'Tevez has signed/definitely signed' etc. All of a sudden there's NO news about it at all and ITK's have gone very quiet (they know it's gone wrong, and they are now thinking they are going to look stupid?).

I don't know, I suppose i might just be paranoid!
Emotions are indeed running high with the tevez saga. i guess were so used to missing out we indeed expect the worst, especially with things going so quiet.

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