Tevez [Merged]

bizzbo said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Tell The King said:
I'm not convinced we're going to sign him now. I think something has gone wrong.
I understand your feeling, reminds me of the Kaka deal, everything looked great and then news stopped and then we lost out.


it was obvious from the end of last week that in all probability no final decision would be made until the internationals were out of the way.

this is by far the most likely explanation for the lack of news.
now you put it like that...this^
bizzbo said:

it was obvious from the end of last week that in all probability no final decision would be made until the internationals were out of the way.

this is by far the most likely explanation for the lack of news.

Good point bizzbo actually. I'm not going to be able to handle this window! I'm cracking up already.
I still think there is likely to be an announcement tomorrow.

I feel that if it had gone tits up MCFC would have publicly dissociated itself from the deal to try to save face.
There has clearly been a press blackout on this deal so as to we do't get shat on from a great height in public again, but if it had gone wrong the club would have got it out in the media asap as they would have nothing further to lose.

I really think that we will know tomoz.
Stop pannicking, everything will be made known after tonights international so we might be lucky in knowing his destination as early as tomorrow or Friday, or Saturday or Sunday or whenever, but no news is good news in my book, if he had wanted to stay at the rags, he is already under contract all he needed to do was ring them up and say he is staying, probably no need for medical and we would have all known about it. The Ronaldo deal will take a couple of weeks in my opinion and it isn't about the money because we know the rags were coughing up the 22m anyway. If he stays they will blow 22m if he goes they get fuck all and we get a good player. Chill out people.
dom said:
I still think there is likely to be an announcement tomorrow.

I feel that if it had gone tits up MCFC would have publicly dissociated itself from the deal to try to save face.
There has clearly been a press blackout on this deal so as to we do't get shat on from a great height in public again, but if it had gone wrong the club would have got it out in the media asap as they would have nothing further to lose.

I really think that we will know tomoz.

Agree with this, but then on the other hand if he had agreed to join City i'm sure the rag lot would of got all bitter about it and told the press anyway, seen as there above and beyond everyone else they would of known they would get away with it.
Tell The King said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Tell The King said:
I'm not convinced we're going to sign him now. I think something has gone wrong.
I understand your feeling, reminds me of the Kaka deal, everything looked great and then news stopped and then we lost out.
Definitely. For me, what looks wrong is that for a couple of days all you could hear from ITK's was 'Tevez has signed/definitely signed' etc. All of a sudden there's NO news about it at all and ITK's have gone very quiet (they know it's gone wrong, and they are now thinking they are going to look stupid?).

I don't know, I suppose i might just be paranoid!

The silence is a good sign as you can bet your bottom dollar that if the rags had him they would be bragging about it by now!!
dom said:
I still think there is likely to be an announcement tomorrow.

I feel that if it had gone tits up MCFC would have publicly dissociated itself from the deal to try to save face.
There has clearly been a press blackout on this deal so as to we do't get shat on from a great height in public again, but if it had gone wrong the club would have got it out in the media asap as they would have nothing further to lose.

I really think that we will know tomoz.

the impression i get is that they have some sort of agreement in place, but nothing is final.

this maybe why they didn't respond to the talksport story, because they cannot come out and say anything without being asked too many questions, and risk letting the cat out of the bag, whilst the possibility remains for Tevez to change his mind, or for Joorabchian to pull a fast one. the only ITK's I would trust in this case (URG and Happyblue) have both hinted along these lines.

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