Tevez [Merged]

Good points but I disagree to an extent. The rags, at the moment, have everything going for them in terms of trophies / success but they could receive some bad press / seen as being in decline in terms of having to sell off their best players to service the debt. That is why I firmly believe they will not allow us to have 'our' day in terms of the press getting all worked up about us and us stealing the headlines of us having signed one of their best players. I think he'll receive that amount of money to spend to make his stay a permanent one, of course on the assurances that with Ronaldo gone he receives first team football on a regular basis and that he is a key player in whiskey noses plans. I just cannot see him making the same mistake he made when he sold Jaap Stam and David Beckham. It just wouldn't make sense.
Paranoia is setting in,i doubt very much that ManUre have signed Tevez,it would already be out no need for secrets.Plus City would have countered all the rumours about him coming to us,especially after the Kaka fiasco. I don`t think Cook would fuck this up to be honest.We would of known before the internationals whether he was coming or not,and to be honest with City being very quite on this i`d say he`s coming.
Balti said:
No statement of denial from City. Still has legs.

We don't need to say anything though do we? If the rags get him then why would we embarrass ourselves by saying well yeah we were in for him but he chose the shit. The tourists would have a field day over at the swamp.
C_T_I_D said:
Good points but I disagree to an extent. The rags, at the moment, have everything going for them in terms of trophies / success but they could receive some bad press / seen as being in decline in terms of having to sell off their best players to service the debt. That is why I firmly believe they will not allow us to have 'our' day in terms of the press getting all worked up about us and us stealing the headlines of us having signed one of their best players. I think he'll receive that amount of money to spend to make his stay a permanent one, of course on the assurances that with Ronaldo gone he receives first team football on a regular basis and that he is a key player in whiskey noses plans. I just cannot see him making the same mistake he made when he sold Jaap Stam and David Beckham. It just wouldn't make sense.

Tbf mate, as much as it pains me to say this. They've not done too bad since stam and becham were sold. Not exactly huge mistakes imo.
Whiskey nose has always said that he regrets selling them both though. The only reason they've not done so bad is that he is very good at getting the right replacements. That's the only reason he's not seen as dropping a bollock really isn't it?

Anyway enough about this...it's like being on red fucking tissue...lol!
C_T_I_D said:
Whiskey nose has always said that he regrets selling them both though. The only reason they've not done so bad is that he is very good at getting the right replacements. That's the only reason he's not seen as dropping a bollock really isn't it?

Anyway enough about this...it's like being on red fucking tissue...lol!

But why would they not announce the deal ? its no big deal if he signs for them, its just a loan deal made permanent.
trawling through the argentinian websites I came accross this where Tevez states he NO longer will be playing for the rags , it was on radio mitre after last saturdays game

<a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp%3Fnota_id%3D1136691&ei=ufYvSobcMoaZjAf7oaiYCw&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtevez%2Bradio%2Bmiter%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26tbo%3D1%26tbs%3Dqdr:d" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://translate.google.co.uk/translate ... bs%3Dqdr:d</a>

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