Tevez [Merged]

C_T_I_D said:
Whiskey nose has always said that he regrets selling them both though. The only reason they've not done so bad is that he is very good at getting the right replacements. That's the only reason he's not seen as dropping a bollock really isn't it?

Anyway enough about this...it's like being on red fucking tissue...lol!

haha... fair enough mate dint realise he had said those comments anyhow fook the rags.

C_T_I_D said:
Balti said:
No statement of denial from City. Still has legs.

We don't need to say anything though do we? If the rags get him then why would we embarrass ourselves by saying well yeah we were in for him but he chose the shit. The tourists would have a field day over at the swamp.

We could simply say that there is no truth to the rumours that he has signed.
That's the only thing I'm wondering Vincent. The only thing I can think of being realistic is that they're still working out the payments scheduale if the talk of paying in drip is correct. If CT wants to sign for the rags and the feeling is mutual they'll be some comprimise between the rags and Kia in my opinion. He'll hold the players best interests @ heart regardless of the money on offer.

I could be talking shit really and we could just be waiting till after the internationals but I'm convinced we were in for him and that he walked away from the deal to sign for the rags and pleaded with them to put up the money. I don't know, all we can do is wildly speculate until there is something definate announced.
They way we have dealt with transfers since the kaka fiasco make's me think that we are still in with a chance on this one because there has been no official word from the club all we have heard is that Hughes like's the player.
Marvin said:
They do what's best for the club, not to p'ss City fans off, or raise Utd fans morale. if Ferguson had rated Tevez, he'd have played him more regularly, and not broken the promise to the player over his contract which was supposed to have been sorted in the January window. They'll go after someone like Benzema, or Villa to compensate for the loss of Ronaldo...if that happens.

I agree. The conspiracy theory is a possibility, but no more.

It would mean that Tevez had to forgive and forget the fact that he has been lower in the pecking order than rooney ronaldo and berbatov this year. this is the crux of the matter.... fergie is plainly not in the business of making such assurances to players, and I think the longer tevez spends away from Old Trafford, the more he will be thinking about what is right for him, and wondering if he can risk the possibility of playing even fewer games next year.

let's not forget, berbatov is the direct competition for tevez's place in the team, not ronaldo. Is fergie about to say to tevez, 'i've decided that you are preferred to berbatov, and i won't bring in any more strikers?'. no. even if he did, how could tevez trust him? He played very well in his first year, then fergie brought berbatov. He continued to play very well, probably better than berbatov this year when he was selected, but still didnt get the starts in the big games at the end of the year, and utd opted not to resolve his contractual situation earlier in the year.

Regardless of what has happened in the last six days (approximately feck-all), this is the situation that brought us here, and it hasn't changed one little bit. Ronaldo might leave, he might not. If he goes, then he'll be replaced by someone like ribery. I don't see how it has a major bearing on Tevez's situation.

Forget about Kia burning his bridges with ADUG by pulling a fast one on them. that would be pretty stupid, and he aint stupid.

The only fly in the ointment is if tevez decides that he wants to compete for the title and champs league again next year, regardless of how many or which games he starts in the run up to the world cup, OR that he feels his emotional ties to old trafford are too important to him (but, as I've said, surely he will have mixed feelings about his time there and how valued and looked after he is)

I'd say, we are still in the lead.
That's not a bad theory Bizzbo. It's a scenario of events I'd like to believe in. I've just got a gut feeling he won't want to uproot from the rags and cause loads of controversy by joining the blue half. Few have crossed that divide smoothly!
Typical City would be:

We have signed Tevez for a huge fee.
Just waiting for internationals to proceed before announcing the deal publcly.
Last minute of final game against Ecuador and Tevez receives a career threatening injury from the challenge of................................Mr Felipe Caciedo!
M35 Blue said:
Typical City would be:

We have signed Tevez for a huge fee.
Just waiting for internationals to proceed before announcing the deal publcly.
Last minute of final game against Ecuador and Tevez receives a career threatening injury from the challenge of................................Mr Felipe Caciedo!

C_T_I_D said:
That's not a bad theory Bizzbo. It's a scenario of events I'd like to believe in. I've just got a gut feeling he won't want to uproot from the rags and cause loads of controversy by joining the blue half. Few have crossed that divide smoothly!

Can you think of a better way of sticking your two fingers up to someone who over looked you?
Kicking him in the bollocks repetatively while singing bluemoon and slapping his bacon face.

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