Tevez [Merged]

Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I posted what I am about to say a couple of weeks ago and probably at least 300 pages back. Today Kia Joorabchian has dropped another inkling to the media that Tevez is veering towards City but a decision won't be made for about ten days. I am lead to believe that the delay is more to do with KJ's payment/ agent commission (not for the purchase of the player's rights) than anything else.

What do you mean? City paying off Kia for getting him to us or Tevez paying Kia for sending him to Manchester instead of Salford?
This Tevez deal smacks of typical City, only this time its not typical City as we are actually going to pull the deal off.
- I løbet af de næste par uger vil jeg sætte mig sammen med Carlos og hans agent for at finde ud af tingene. City står nok med de bedste kort på hånden, da de er ved at bygge noget stort op, men decideret afgørende for udfaldet er det ikke. Først og fremmest respekterer vi kontrakten med Manchester United, som udløber 30. juni. Derefter kan der foreligge en afgørelse inden ti dage, siger Kia Joorabchian til Radio del Plata.

this is from a danish soccer news site. It says:

During the next couple of weeks I will sit down alongside Carlos and his agent to solve out the things. City is problably in the front seat right now, because they are trying to build something big but its not ultimately desicive for the outcome. Firstly we honour the contract with Manchester United, which runs until june 30th. Thereafter there might be a decision within 10 days, Kia Joorabchian states till Radio del Plata.
C_T_I_D said:
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I posted what I am about to say a couple of weeks ago and probably at least 300 pages back. Today Kia Joorabchian has dropped another inkling to the media that Tevez is veering towards City but a decision won't be made for about ten days. I am lead to believe that the delay is more to do with KJ's payment/ agent commission (not for the purchase of the player's rights) than anything else.

What do you mean? City paying off Kia for getting him to us or Tevez paying Kia for sending him to Manchester instead of Salford?

The buying club paying KJ for his services is what I am lead to believe is the issue...KJ wants to ensure he is paid handsomely.
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
C_T_I_D said:
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I posted what I am about to say a couple of weeks ago and probably at least 300 pages back. Today Kia Joorabchian has dropped another inkling to the media that Tevez is veering towards City but a decision won't be made for about ten days. I am lead to believe that the delay is more to do with KJ's payment/ agent commission (not for the purchase of the player's rights) than anything else.

What do you mean? City paying off Kia for getting him to us or Tevez paying Kia for sending him to Manchester instead of Salford?

The buying club paying KJ for his services is what I am lead to believe is the issue...KJ wants to ensure he is paid handsomely.
This won't fuck up the deal though will it?.
Then pay Kia what he wants to be fair. Do you agree with that URG? It's better than fucking around and losing the player as a result and giving other interested parties even the slightest chance of getting in and stealing our 'marquee' signing. I just pray they don't fuck this one up in typical City fashion. I don't think they will actually. I think we're so well run that it'll be a case of tying up loose ends now.
10.Goater_Legend said:
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
C_T_I_D said:
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I posted what I am about to say a couple of weeks ago and probably at least 300 pages back. Today Kia Joorabchian has dropped another inkling to the media that Tevez is veering towards City but a decision won't be made for about ten days. I am lead to believe that the delay is more to do with KJ's payment/ agent commission (not for the purchase of the player's rights) than anything else.

What do you mean? City paying off Kia for getting him to us or Tevez paying Kia for sending him to Manchester instead of Salford?

The buying club paying KJ for his services is what I am lead to believe is the issue...KJ wants to ensure he is paid handsomely.
This won't fuck up the deal though will it?.

I don't know is the answer.
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I posted what I am about to say a couple of weeks ago and probably at least 300 pages back. Today Kia Joorabchian has dropped another inkling to the media that Tevez is veering towards City but a decision won't be made for about ten days. I am lead to believe that the delay is more to do with KJ's payment/ agent commission (not for the purchase of the player's rights) than anything else.
URG, do you know whether Tevez has actually signed anything, or is everything just verbal agreements at the moment? I guess with everyone saying it's in the bag, he must have agreed to something, right? But is this agreement down in writing and legally binding? Or has he not actually agreed yet and we're just assuming he wants to join us?
TT, when he said not for the players rights, I get the feeling that they have been purchased and he has all but signed subject to negotiations as to how much KJ gets paid. I really do think this is a formality now. City won't risk this potentially putting a spanner in the works surely.

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