Tevez - staying or going?

Danamy said:
And deep down a manager that's smiling inside..........


Bob is no mug, he knew exactly what he was doing when he made the comments the other day.
Mancio said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Solihull Samba Boys said:
How quickly do you think the club will move for a replacement Tolm?

Not a Scooby. The whole map will have changed.

Mancini has his dream targets and regardless of FFPR, it's £250k a week City don't have to find for perhaps two new players.

Interested clubs will know we have an unhappy player on our hands, so the onus will be on City and his agents to pull something out the bag.

do you really believe tevez hasnt got a club backing him since december ????????

It's one thing to have a club state interest, entirely different to fund it.

There has been absolutely NO offer to City, aside from prick-teasing.

Carlos' latest move is because he isn't getting what he wants.

If a club had backed him since December, there would have been no need for any announcements, you don't go out on a limb if you are holding all the cards.

Khaldoon has a good relationship with the player and all he would have needed to have said since the last ball was kicked, is I'm off to....(fill blank)

I don't entirely buy the family issues, but I do believe it is relevant to the point he had to go back to Argentina to speak with his estranged missus, what her outlook it.

It all coincides perfectly with his statement yesterday.<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:40 am --<br /><br />
Rammy Blue said:
Danamy said:
And deep down a manager that's smiling inside..........


Bob is no mug, he knew exactly what he was doing when he made the comments the other day.

Course he fucking did. He's playing the fucking lot of us.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Mancio said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Not a Scooby. The whole map will have changed.

Mancini has his dream targets and regardless of FFPR, it's £250k a week City don't have to find for perhaps two new players.

Interested clubs will know we have an unhappy player on our hands, so the onus will be on City and his agents to pull something out the bag.

do you really believe tevez hasnt got a club backing him since december ????????

It's one thing to have a club state interest, entirely different to fund it.

There has been absolutely NO offer to City, aside from prick-teasing.

Carlos' latest move is because he isn't getting what he wants.

If a club had backed him since December, there would have been no need for any announcements, you don't go out on a limb if you are holding all the cards.

Khaldoon has a good relationship with the player and all he would have needed to have said since the last ball was kicked, is I'm off to....(fill blank)

I don't entirely buy the family issues, but I do believe it is relevant to the point he had to go back to Argentina to speak with his estranged missus, what her outlook it.

It all coincides perfectly with his statement yesterday.

-- Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:40 am --

Rammy Blue said:
Danamy said:
And deep down a manager that's smiling inside..........


Bob is no mug, he knew exactly what he was doing when he made the comments the other day.

Course he fucking did. He's playing the fucking lot of us.

Given that City obviously have a price in mind and it appears no other club wants to meet that price is there a possibility that come September 1st Tevez is still a Manchester City player?
Course he fucking did. He's playing the fucking lot of us.[/quote]

You appear very stressed Tolm, you are swearing so much today, deep breaths and calm down mate as you say things are on the up.

From a personnel note I think it could be better for all if Tevez goes, we would no longer have a number 1 striker and all would be given a fair crack of the whip, can only get better with Balo and Dzeko getting a good run.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Rammy Blue said:

Bob is no mug, he knew exactly what he was doing when he made the comments the other day.

Course he fucking did. He's playing the fucking lot of us.

Not with you there, pal, why is Bob playing us?

As far as I am concerned all this is just a big bag of wank, City and Bob knew full well what his intentions are and it's just a big media circus being played out for us mere mortals.

We put a tag on him of 50mil that no-one in their right mind is going to fork out in whcih case we must know full well which players are on offer to us from the interested clubs.
Rammy Blue said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Rammy Blue said:

Bob is no mug, he knew exactly what he was doing when he made the comments the other day.

Course he fucking did. He's playing the fucking lot of us.

Not with you there, pal, why is Bob playing us?

As far as I am concerned all this is just a big bag of wank, City and Bob knew full well what his intentions are and it's just a big media circus being played out for us mere mortals.

We put a tag on him of 50mil that no-one in their right mind is going to fork out in whcih case we must know full well which players are on offer to us from the interested clubs.

City has got only a problem : to wonder who is the club backing tevez. and try to anticipate their coming with 20M at august 29.......
I'm quite sure the club knew this was coming and I'm quite confident that there will have been various discussions with various clubs over deals to be made. This is huge business and we're not in the same situation as years ago when we very amateurish with our transfer dealings. Manchester City is a far more polished and professional vehicle these days.
thanks carlos for getting us were we are. but he wants out so let him go. bring in a quality striker or two which tolmie is suggesting, hard to see as we have mad mario and dzeko?,

i would love too see aguero and higuain brought in but the problem is mancini only plays one up front and 3 strikers fighting for one role may be tough, unless you drop the intrest in nasri (please no) and play aguero behind either higuain or dzeko

silva aguero balo

silva nasri balo

silva nasri balo

silva aguero balo

silva aguero nasri

hummmmmm decisions decisions
for those saying Carlos to Real, remember they've already spend roughly 50 million Euros with no outgoings yet.

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