Tevez to return (Merged)

for those like myself who hate the scumbag, we are realists and as fans very fickle, he appoligizes and gets down to work and adds something else to squad and we win PL all will be forgotten, on other hand if goes tits up, will be open warefare between fans and possible within club. its a high risk strategy, that could end up with us winning nowt and bobby getting the boot. there will be a lot of "i told you so"

none of us want that, personally its too a high a risk as we top and all is fine,even though dzeko a bit of a jaffa at mo and mario, well is mario.

as a city fan, i always be there through thick and thin as last 30 plus years, i may not like it, but have to support bobby/club what ever he/they choose
Balti said:
Jumanji said:
Chris in London said:
RM would have sooner stuck pins in his own eyes than accept Tevez back.
False. Mancini extended an olive branch of apology very shortly after the Munich incident.
Which Tevez snapped in half.
True. But then glued it back together when he realised he lost the battle.
Tevez just seen leaving Manchester Airport with a huge bunch of roses and a heart shaped box of chocks embossed with.........RM I LUV YOU. XXXX
I hope it's not going to as big an issue as people think it will be. Realistically he won't be up for selection for a month due to lack of match fitness, so it won't upset any player he could replace in the team (not yet anyway). Let him apologise and prove himself in training and maybe the odd run out in the Europa League (if he's eligible, anyone know for sure?) and get the best possible price for him in the summer. He could be just returning to collect his wages and if that's the case, let him work with the reserves. I just hope fans support the club and Mancini
Jumanji said:
Breadsnapper said:
Jumanji said:
The situation has always been the same with Mancini: Carlos apologises, and he's welcome.

Tevez and Kia both said yesterday that he will be apologising. Thus, he will return to the squad.

Now if he decides today or whenever that he travelled all this way to not apologise (knowing full well this requirement), then he really is thick as fuck.
So the interview yesterday was all part of buttering up Mancini for his apology. The man is a fucking tool!
By the way, not defending Tevez but keep in mind that Tevez really is stupid and uneducated. I remember the translator yesterday tweeting that he has to translate from Tevez to Spanish! This is a guy from the slums of Argentina, with no good education, that only knows how to strike a ball. It's no surprise that he is easily manipulated (Kia).

He probably doesn't have manners and just says what is on mind. I don't think he even realises that his answers to the interview don't really help his case to be honest.

And in fact, I'm not sure he even cares.
So following your logic, tevez takes advice from his advisor (kia) because he is thick? The advice that tevez takes from said advisor lands him in the shit, however he still takes said advice from said advisor. See where I am going with this?
Sorry it does not wahs with me. The only reason he is being offered an olive branch by the club is for contractual reasons. So he can't walk. If he has to play then I would stick him in the europa cup.
crashbangwollop said:
I hope it's not going to as big an issue as people think it will be. Realistically he won't be up for selection for a month due to lack of match fitness, so it won't upset any player he could replace in the team (not yet anyway). Let him apologise and prove himself in training and maybe the odd run out in the Europa League (if he's eligible, anyone know for sure?) and get the best possible price for him in the summer. He could be just returning to collect his wages and if that's the case, let him work with the reserves. I just hope fans support the club and Mancini

He can play in Europa League as he was/is a city player. didnt bobby add him to his 25 man squad? or was that for PL only?
hgblue said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Interesting that at Liverpool we've seen a manager mis-handle a delicate situation and get told to put it right by his club's owners and we've all applauded the owners for doing the right thing.

Yet at Manchester City the same thing happens and people call it a sign of weakness.
I'm guessing those that see it as a weakness don't hold the view that he has mis-handled the situation. Moreover I know a number of dippers that are outragued at their ownership for getting involved in what went on at the weekend.

Mancini has either handled the situation well and having Tevez back now is a sign of weakness on his behalf, or he has handled the situation badly and has been put in his place by the club's owners. One or the other, not both.
There are a number of ways you could look at it.
1) Mancini & the executives are in complete agreement over all actions and the way forward, which involves Tevez playing again.
2) The owners would prefer to keep Tevez well away but Mancini wants him back as we're lacking a cutting edge up front and it's causing an issue in the dressing room.
3) Mancini backed the club into a corner when he said publicly Tevez wouldn't play for the club again and the owners have been trying to resolve the situation (which includes financial & legal issues). That's not to say they haven't supported the manager but have probably had to make a call based on the issues involved which is not necessarily to his liking.

Can't see (2) being realistic for a variety of reasons. (1) would be nice as that's the way Gill & Baconface have worked for years, with each trusting the other. (3) is most plausible in my view. Let's remember that Mancini got rid of Bellamy & Onuoha who were critical of him when he could quite easily have forgiven and forgotten. So I'd hazard a guess he's not the forgiving type.
put it this way, we're 1-0 down against you know who, you have dzeko ready to go on for the last 20 mins or you have a hungry tevez.

i know who i'd put on.
ban-mcfc said:
put it this way, we're 1-0 down against you know who, you have dzeko ready to go on for the last 20 mins or you have a hungry tevez.

i know who i'd put on.
mario, or switch kun to centre, we have choices, who says tevez would be hungry.

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