Tevez to return (Merged)

anyone who thinks scumbag is back to help us are deluded, hes back for one reason, to try repair his brand and get fuck out of club in summer
Breadsnapper said:
Jumanji said:
Breadsnapper said:
So the interview yesterday was all part of buttering up Mancini for his apology. The man is a fucking tool!
By the way, not defending Tevez but keep in mind that Tevez really is stupid and uneducated. I remember the translator yesterday tweeting that he has to translate from Tevez to Spanish! This is a guy from the slums of Argentina, with no good education, that only knows how to strike a ball. It's no surprise that he is easily manipulated (Kia).

He probably doesn't have manners and just says what is on mind. I don't think he even realises that his answers to the interview don't really help his case to be honest.

And in fact, I'm not sure he even cares.
So following your logic, tevez takes advice from his advisor (kia) because he is thick? The advice that tevez takes from said advisor lands him in the shit, however he still takes said advice from said advisor. See where I am going with this?
Sorry it does not wahs with me. The only reason he is being offered an olive branch by the club is for contractual reasons. So he can't walk. If he has to play then I would stick him in the europa cup.
The mistake I see with Jumanji's position is this believe that Tevez is being manipulated by Kia. I absolutely disagree with this position. Everything regarding Tevez, has ALWAYS been Tevez's doing. Kia only does what Tevez tells him to do. Kia might be the one dreaming up the scenarios to feed to the press. But it is Tevez who wants out. It is Tevez, who is trying to find a new place. Not Kia! Kia really is just a pun in the game. An obvious pun for Tevez loving fans to direct their anger at. For the misdeeds of the man they love seeing bang in goals.

I for one am under no illusion. That said, City has offered an olive branch for multiple reasons.
1. Tevez can help the team with his talent, (Especially now that we are struggling a bit)
2. City wants its money's worth when they sell in in the summer. So playing Tevez will help showcase that.
3. City is simply being magnanimous in victory. They are forgiving an old hero for his wrong doing, and giving him a chance to regain some goodwill.

All of these are all good things for City. Wishing him ill will, and trying to destroy his career like some City fans would love is childish, immoral and petulant. Kind of like Tevez. Yet so many of our fans our so like him :p
Have I missed the main point in all of this ?
Although Bobby has said that he would be welcome back,and I use the word "welcome",very carefully,has he actually stated that he would use him in games ?
This could be a very well thought out plan by the Club,to show that legally they are doing everything to get him back to the Club first and foremost.
Actions are already afoot with the PL and perhaps their findings of whether City are within their powers to fine him "x" number of weeks for his non appearance,will not go down well with Tevez once this has been established.
City, IMO are showing the footballing world,that they have already won one battle with him by not letting him go for less than what they regard as a reasonable offer of £25M.
Will Bobby play him,once fit ??
Who knows.It could be part of the master strategy by the Club,in bringing him back and let him play a bit part,in the run in,ie Sub.
We are all guessing,myself included,as to how this will pan out,but City so far have shown remarkable constraint from the Owner down to Bobby.
At the end of the day there will only be one winner.
Manchester City Football Club.
Breadsnapper said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
hgblue said:
Mancini has either handled the situation well and having Tevez back now is a sign of weakness on his behalf, or he has handled the situation badly and has been put in his place by the club's owners. One or the other, not both.
There are a number of ways you could look at it.
1) Mancini & the executives are in complete agreement over all actions and the way forward, which involves Tevez playing again.
2) The owners would prefer to keep Tevez well away but Mancini wants him back as we're lacking a cutting edge up front and it's causing an issue in the dressing room.
3) Mancini backed the club into a corner when he said publicly Tevez wouldn't play for the club again and the owners have been trying to resolve the situation (which includes financial & legal issues). That's not to say they haven't supported the manager but have probably had to make a call based on the issues involved which is not necessarily to his liking.

Can't see (2) being realistic for a variety of reasons. (1) would be nice as that's the way Gill & Baconface have worked for years, with each trusting the other. (3) is most plausible in my view. Let's remember that Mancini got rid of Bellamy & Onuoha who were critical of him when he could quite easily have forgiven and forgotten. So I'd hazard a guess he's not the forgiving type.
Less likely to be 3 as if that were the case tevez would already be back Plus your use of bellers and Onuoha kind of contradicts your argument. My take is (4) All parties want the fucker out of the club and are playing hardball. Due to the fact that tevez walked out HE is the one facing contactual issues. The club then say come back carlos, as not doing plays into his hands. At which point the self obsessed ego-maniac can't help himself having another pop at OUR club.
An often underused phrase, which I thinks fits tevez, "when you reach rock bottom, stop digging"
Sorry that's what I meant to say in (1). Not that we want him back because he's good but that we need him back because that's the best way to get rid of him easily without any legal/complications.
Khaldoon possibly gave an indicator in his terse interview aimed at Milan last month?

He did say Tevez would be forced to make his contractual obligations, should a deal not be acceptable to us?

Khaldoon is a shrewd cookie, I can't believe for a second he does not have his finger on the pulse of current opinion.

Sheikh Mansour trusts this man to call the shots for him.
shawgorbie said:
Breadsnapper said:
Jumanji said:
By the way, not defending Tevez but keep in mind that Tevez really is stupid and uneducated. I remember the translator yesterday tweeting that he has to translate from Tevez to Spanish! This is a guy from the slums of Argentina, with no good education, that only knows how to strike a ball. It's no surprise that he is easily manipulated (Kia).

He probably doesn't have manners and just says what is on mind. I don't think he even realises that his answers to the interview don't really help his case to be honest.

And in fact, I'm not sure he even cares.
So following your logic, tevez takes advice from his advisor (kia) because he is thick? The advice that tevez takes from said advisor lands him in the shit, however he still takes said advice from said advisor. See where I am going with this?
Sorry it does not wahs with me. The only reason he is being offered an olive branch by the club is for contractual reasons. So he can't walk. If he has to play then I would stick him in the europa cup.
he can't walk since he's not been honouring his contract.I think he's coming back because 200,000 thousand a week is a lot of money to be losing.Dosen't care about the money,BULLSHIT.
Exactly so the club force his hand to come back, which he can't refuse for the reasons you give.
welsh_andy said:
ban-mcfc said:
put it this way, we're 1-0 down against you know who, you have dzeko ready to go on for the last 20 mins or you have a hungry tevez.

i know who i'd put on.
mario, or switch kun to centre, we have choices, who says tevez would be hungry.

he's always hungry ;)
M22 Blue said:
Has this topic turned into a "my point is more valid because I've supposed city longer than you" one?
think anyones point is valid who has supported city for a decent lenght of time, glory hunters may have valid points, but we just ignore them<br /><br />-- Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:42 pm --<br /><br />
ban-mcfc said:
welsh_andy said:
ban-mcfc said:
put it this way, we're 1-0 down against you know who, you have dzeko ready to go on for the last 20 mins or you have a hungry tevez.

i know who i'd put on.
mario, or switch kun to centre, we have choices, who says tevez would be hungry.

he's always hungry ;)
for pizza maybe??
M22 Blue said:
Has this topic turned into a "my point is more valid because I've supposed city longer than you" one?

Bloody hope not mate,coz if it has theres a few on here that would be fooked

Fickle people us football fans very fickle,I have kept tight lipped about this one recently,but did say at home a few weeks back that Tevez will play for us again this season,he might not do yet,but me personally dont see why he shouldn't if he is back and now willing to help us win the league,then so be it !!

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